Deep breathing.
My friend called me a mean name and it hurt my feelings.
I can ignore them or tell my teacher what happened.
It's okay to hit our friends if they're mean to us.
Use an I-Feel Statement to tell me about a time you felt happy!
I feel happy when __ because __. Please __.
Show me 10 jumping jacks!
(Did you do 10 jumping jacks?)
Starting at the number 1 and going all the way to number 10 really slowly.
Someone took the toy I was playing with and I'm feeling really mad.
I can take a deep breath, remind myself that there are lots of other toys for me to play with, and I can go find a new toy.
It's okay to take a break whenever we feel sad, mad, or stressed out.
Use an I-Feel Statement to tell me about a time you felt mad!
I feel mad when __ because __. Please__.
Show me how high you can jump! Do it 3 times.
(Did you jump really high?)
Using crayons, markers, or colored pencils.
Drawing or coloring a picture.
I have a lot of homework to do and I'm really stressed out!
I can take some deep breaths, count to 10, and take a small break to clear my brain and start back fresh.
Use an I-Feel Statement to tell me about a time you felt sad!
I feel sad when __ because __. Please __.
Spin around in a circle 5 times! Be careful, you might get dizzy!
(Did you spin in a circle 5 times?)
Leaving the place you're at to go to a new place where you feel safe and can relax.
Taking a break.
I'm really sad when I get home because nobody at school wanted to play with me at recess.
I can hug my favorite stuffed animal, eat my favorite snack, and maybe watch my favorite movie!
If I'm mad, it's okay for me to leave the classroom and go somewhere else without asking.
Use an I-Feel Statement to tell me about a time you felt frustrated!
I feel frustrated when __ because __. Please __.
Touch your toes 10 times to stretch out your muscles!
(Did you touch your toes 10 times?)
Squeezing different muscles in your body really tight for five seconds and then slowly letting them relax.
Progressive muscle relaxation. (Stretching, tension release, flexing muscles, ect.)
Someone at home is hurting me.
If something's bothering me, I should just ignore it and eventually it will go away.
TRUE - If it's a small deal and not very serious (someone annoying me in class).
FALSE - If it's something important (someone hurting me or I need to talk about my feelings).
Use an I-Feel Statement to tell me about a time you felt exhausted!
Show me your all-time favorite dance move!
(Did you break out your best move?)