Where do you document student data and data-based decisions?
Student focus sheets.
Who handles level 1 (irritating, mildly disruptive) classroom behaviors?
What percentage of students should show proficiency with only core instruction?
Where do you access the tier 2 parent letter?
Section 9- Resources
Are tier 3 interventions research-based or evidence-based?
Evidence-based. (Research has been completed and is of a high standard to meet the evidence-based category).
Who sends home the academic tier 2 parent letter?
How many levels are on the NCSD student/ parent handbook magnitude scale?
What percentage of students might need tier 2 interventions?
What do you need to add to the academic tier 2 parent letter before sending it home to parents?
Your contact information and your name at the bottom.
Where do we document notifying the parents for tier 3 academic services?
Infinite Campus.
Who sends home the academic tier 3 parent letter?
If a student does not show sufficient progress after the first phase of tier 2 interventions, what is the next step?
Grade Level Team Modify Tier 2 Interventions. Take notes on the Student Focus Sheet in Google Drive. Students are progress monitored regularly based on targeted goals. Discuss again at intervention check meeting again in 4 weeks.
What percentage of students might need targeted/ intensive tier 3 interventions?
Can a student be identified at academic tier 2 during a grade-level intervention check meeting?
What type of assessment must be completed for a tier 3 behavior student who is not responding to the intervention?
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
Where do you list the students discussed at intervention check meetings?
PLC notes.
Where are MTSS meeting discussions documented?
MTSS meeting notes (collaboration notes) in Google Drive.
Name a possible tier 2 SEL intervention.
Behavioral contracting, Self-monitoring, School-home note, Positive peer reporting, Mentor-based check-in/check-out, Class Pass Intervention, Group social-emotional or Social Skills training, Ripple effects program
How often are tier 2 academics progress monitored?
Twice a month.
Can a student be moved from tier 2 to tier 3 during grade-level intervention check meetings?
No. That takes place at an MTSS school-wide team meeting.
What are the resources you will find in section 9 of the handbook?
Parent notification letters, definitions & acronyms, intervention resources, MTSS support team, MTSS resources & checklists (for a resource).
What are the 5 steps for a level 3 or 4 DANGEROUS behavior?
Maintain safety- Call office to escort student out of the room
Complete behavior referral form
Inform parents- Invite counselor or refocus coordinator to grade-level PLC or refer to *MTSS meeting to determine intervention for possible Tier 2
If tier 2 is necessary- complete intervention with fidelity
Review progress after 6-8 weeks
Name a possible academic tier 3 intervention.
Lexia skill builders with staff, Literacy First, LIPS, Sound Partners, Quickreads, Leveled Literacy Intervention, Focus Math, Exact Path instruction with staff
What are the two types of deficits for identifying tier 2 behavior?
Acquisition (can't do) and Performance (won't do).
Who makes the referral for a comprehensive evaluation for Special Education?
MTSS team