General UN Knowledge
Terminology/ Procedure
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What is the principal body of UN that serves as the chief deliberative, policy making and representative organ of the United Nations?
General Assembly
Who is a member of the dais who moderates debate, keeps time, regulates points and motions and enforces the rules and procedures. AKA moderator

What would the delegate in a committee conference do if he needs to use the washroom?

Request Point of Personal Privilege, after the speaker has finished speaking.


What is an unfriendly amendment?

This type of amendment proposes to remove or change an existing part of a resolution before voting.

I am delighted to attend this prestigious conference. I, representing the Republic of India would like to say that...
Use of personal Pronoun- I
How many member states are present in the General Assembly?
All the member states, at present 193
What does the term 'abstain' mean and when is it used?
During voting, a delegate may abstain, meaning that they are not voting for or against the resolution.

What is a Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus? What is its purpose?

The motion used to move into informal discussion in order to form alliances and blocs and draft resolutions. 


What is the roll call and how can you reply to it?

The first order of business in a Model UN committee is roll call. When the name of each member state is called by the dais, a delegate may respond “present” or “present and voting” A delegate responding “present and voting” may not abstain on a substantive vote.

The speaker's list is already set. The delegate of Pakistan would like to include his name to the speaker's list. He makes a “Motion to be Added to the Speakers List.”
There is NO such thing as “Motion to be Added to the Speakers List.” To add your country's name you have to send a note to the Chair or wait for the chair's instruction
When was UN established/ formed?
Which document contains all of the delegate's research in an organized and coherent manner?
Position Paper More specific definition- A position paper is a summary of a country’s position on a topic, written by a delegate prior to a Model UN conference.
How would you correct a fellow delegate who is using personal pronouns or if the chair is following a wrong format?
Point of Order

What are operative clauses in a resolution?

These clauses outline the committee's proposed solutions and actions to address the issue.

It is the first day and the session is back to order after a short break. This is approximately in the middle of the session, when opening speeches are not yet over. The delegate of Netherlands makes a 'Motion to adjourn the meeting'
Making a 'Motion to Adjourn the Meeting' will be out of order in the middle of the meeting.

What are the five main secretariat positions in a Model United Nations conference?


Under Secretary General

Chief Operations Officer 

Chief Financial Officer

Press Director 

What is the situation known as when there are more than 50% votes for a motion/ resolution?
Simple Majority
What would the delegate do after finishing his/her opening speech, after or without answering points of information?
Yield the floor to the Chair

What are the two yields a delegate can make after his/her speech? (List them and briefly describe them)

• Yield to another delegate. His/her remaining time will be given to that delegate, who can respond POIs

• Yield to questions. Questioners will be selected by the Chair and limited to one question each. Follow-up questions will be allowed only at the discretion of the Chair. 

• Yield to the chair. Such a yield should be made if the delegate does not wish his/her speech to be subject to comments.

The delegate of Egypt is following improper parliamentary procedure, by using personal pronouns frequently and is sharing wrong information. The delegate of South Africa raises a Point of Order, without interrupting the speaker.
Which country was recently added to the UN?
South Sudan

In a resolution, what is the term for the sections that describe the problem and the ideals guiding the resolution?

preambulatory clauses


What is a moderated caucus and why is it relevant? Have you seen it happening in any committee?

 This type of caucus allows delegates to speak for a set amount of time on a specific topic in a structured manner.

How would you react to a delegate who has INSULTED your country or are personally offended by his/her remarks?
Request Right to Reply!
The delegate of South Sudan is speaking. The delegate of Haiti raises his placard. The chair recognizes him and asks which point he rises to. The delegate of Haiti says 'Point of Parliamentary Inquiry'
The delegate of Haiti should not have interrupted the delegate of South Sudan, as that is out of order and is considered disrespectful.