Coupons & Such
Coupons & Such 2
Common Questions
In the Box
Staff Skills

Describe rules for Academic Comps (Music comps, Theatre comps)

We must have a list of the names and events. Music students get one comp. Theatre students get two comps for opening weekend. 


When do we offer people $2 tickets? What are the rules?

Academic tickets for UVU students, two max per event. Student Rush tickets, one per ID, for Noorda shows starting noon on the day of the event. 


Where is room 646



What are two things we do in the Box when we aren't helping customers?

Tidy the Box and Review the Binders


What do we say when we answer the phone?

Welcome to the Blair Family Box Office at the Noorda 


Describe rules for SOA staff/faculty comps

FT gets 2, PT gets 1. Academic shows only. 


Show: How to sell someone tickets to the Film Series

It's under Packages, You click what events people are going to go to. 


Where is the Music Library?

By the far outside doors, last hallway on the right, second door on the right. 


Walk me through the process of selling a water bottle. 

Sell it in the system, go get the key which is located in the back room, unlock the water bottles, remember to re lock the water bottles, return the key. 


Show: How to show people in the Noorda Center that the Box Office Staff are available to help. 



How do the discounted Mariachi Divas tickets work?

UVU Employees will ask to purchase the Mariachi Divas tickets at the $10 price. We need to verify they are staff, and then can sell them the tickets. (How do we verify that someone is a UVU employee?)


Describe how the Arts Card works

Ideally Danielle will be taking care of this. They can call in 3 business days before the show. Then we'll be exchanging ONE of their purchased tickets for the event ticket of their choice.


How many seats are in the Concert Hall?

Three answers: Main Floor (504-524), Including Balcony (709-729)


When do we do reconciliation?

For Cash and Vouchers. (Go over how Vouchers work and what they look like)


Show: How do we see the show description? 



What is the current summer discount code?



Patron wants to add more tickets to their season package. How do we do that?

EB25% or RSP20%

Make sure they have a previous reservation with the appropriate discount before selling them the additional tickets

Only for General Public Tickets


What do you do/say if someone asks you questions about renting a venue?

Invite them to check out the venue rental tab on our website, give them Kylie's contact info, let Kylie know someone might reach out to her soon. 


SHOW: How do we refill the ticket machine?

Demonstrate how to refill the ticket machine in the Box Office. 


What are the rules surrounding Suspended Orders?

only use for 5 minutes, then release. 


What shows can people use the Get Out pass to see? When can they reserve their tickets?

Noorda, 1pm. (In person or *over the phone. )


What do we do when someone comes to redeem a Get Out Pass?

We pull up the Get Out Pass document and record their number. If all is well, then we can give them the ticket they've requested. We HAVE to physically see their Get Out Pass in order to give them their ticekt. 


What email should people look for In their inbox when searching for electronic tickets?


What are we responsible to do for the Lost and Found? 

post it on the website, when people pick things up make sure to get their info. 


What to do if someone asks for a press pass.

We should know ahead of time from marketing. Check on the event checklist. What is their name, where are they coming from, who gave them permission to be here. Verify the information before giving them the press pass. 
