Stand up if you took your BP these past 8 weeks.
100 points for those groups!
What should make up half of your plate when you eat?
Fruits and Vegetables!
Poor mental health increases the risk for long-lasting (chronic) physical conditions like...
A) Heart Disease
B) Stroke
C) Cancer
D) All of the Above
E) None of the Above
True or False: Sodium/Salt decreases your blood pressure.
Name 1 healthier snack that has been dropped off/included in our wellness meetings.
-Trail Mix
-Fig Bars
-Jerky Sticks
What is the three-digit dialing code that provides support to anyone experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis or any other emotional distress?
We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
True or False: You should check your blood pressure at the same time every day.
What is a healthier lunch alternative at Chick-Fil-A? (Fried chicken sandwiches do not count!)
-Kale Salad/Salads
-Grilled Chicken
-Fruit cup
-Greek Yogurt Parfait
-Buddy Fruits Apple Sauce
1 and ____ people in the world live with a mental illness.
-More than 1 and 5 in the U.S.
Name 3 ways to lower your blood pressure.
-Stress management
-Limiting salt
-Add more veggies and less saturated fats
What is a nutrient dense food?
Foods that are not “diluted” by additional calories from added sugars, sodium, solid fats, etc.
Where can someone find help for mental health ("Google" does not count!)?
-Insurance company
-Kaiser (they have their own internal program)
-Anthem (helps you find a provider within your plan)
-Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
-Primary care physician
-Viriginia government website (
What blood pressure reading is considered normal?
-120/80 or lower is normal
-Dangerous Reading: Higher than 180 and/or higher than 120 (180/120)
The size of your fist is equal to what serving size?
1 cup
Serious mental illness costs America how much in lost earnings per year?
$193.2 billion in lost earnings per year.