Dairy, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fruits, Vegetables
Eggs can be included in a heart healthy diet.
True- eggs are a great source of protein. The AHA says 1-2 eggs/day can be safe in a heart healthy diet. Egg whites are also a great substitute without the yolk! Just watch the amount of table salt you add.
This information reflects the amount people typically eat or drink of the product. It is important to pay attention to avoid overconsumption.
Serving size
The suggested number of servings for grains is ___ to _____ per day.
3 & 6; it is also preferred to consume whole grains instead of refined
examples: 1 oz of uncooked pasta or rice, 3 cups popped popcorn, one slice whole-grain bread
How many ounces of water should the average person drink per day?
This nutrient found in fruits, vegetables, and grains can help support weight loss, digestion, and improved blood sugar.
Total sugars on a nutrition label just include added sugars.
False- it is talking about both natural and added sugars.
How much protein should the average person consume daily?
0.8 g/kg or 0.36 g/lb (depending on activity level)
How many cups of fruit should the average adult consume daily? How many cups of vegetables?
2 cups per day for fruit; 2 & 1/2 for vegetables
1 large banana, 22 grapes, 8 large strawberries, 1 medium apple, peach, or orange
12 baby carrots, 2 cups of raw or 1 cup of cooked lettuce, kale, greens, 1 large bell pepper
What is the recommendation for amount of added sugars men/women consume daily?
Men- no more than 9 tablespoons
Women- no more than 6 tablespoons
This food group is made up of amino acids and is considered the building blocks of muscle. You can find it meats like chicken great and ground turkey.
Red meat is a great source of protein and contains little to no saturated fats.
False- lean meats (chicken breast, 93/7 ground turkey, salmon, etc.) are better since red meats are high in saturated fats and can cause your LDL (bad) cholesterol to increase, which then can cause cardiovascular complications
How much sodium should a person with heart disease be consuming daily?
1200-1500 mg; no more than 2300 mg.. the average American consumes about 3200 mg/day
What is the serving size of lean meat, skinless poultry or fish?
2-3 oz; about a deck of cards
The AHA recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-vigorous physical activity per week.
What is the serving size of cheese?
2 oz; about the size of a domino. This amount of cheddar cheese contains about 230 calories, 18 g of fat, and 352 mg of sodium!
This is the calorie deficit that is needed in order to lose one pound of body fat.
We only need 500 mg or less of sodium for the body to function properly.
When we look at the daily value (%) of a food, we are looking at percentage of each nutrient in a single serving, in terms of the daily recommended amount. If you want to consume less of a nutrient (sodium, sat fats), what percent should we be looking for? If we want to consume more of a nutrient (such as fiber), what percent should be looking for?
5% or less; 20% or more
How many almonds are in one serving of Blue Diamond Roasted Salted almonds? How many calories is in one serving?
28; 170