This nutrients many function is to store energy.
How many food groups are in the 2007 food guide?
DRI stands for
Dietary Recommendation Index
Where does digestion start and with what enzyme?
Mouth and saliva
Babies require more of this nutrient, but as adults and teens we must limit this.
Most of energy should come from this nutrient.
Which of the following is NOT a food group in the 2007 food guide?
Meat and alt.
Milk and Alt.
Breads and Cereals
Fruits and Veg
Breads and Cereals
When comparing personal nutrition, the EAR, RDA, AI or UI column is the best representation of needs...
This is where acid begins to break down large chunks of food.
Most Canadians don't get enough _____ and get to much ______.
Fiber and Sodium
This nutrient helps absorb other nutrients into the body.
% DV (Percent Daily Value)
RDA stands for
Recommended Daily Allowance
This is the pathway from the mouth to the stomach.
This is the age group where the most energy is required and the BMR is highest.
These nutrients provide energy.
Macro nutrients; fat, protein and carbohydrates
A Person with a BMI above 30 is considered to be..
UL stands for
Upper tolerable intake level
This is the muscle that seals the stomach cavity preventing food from coming back up.
BMR stands for...
Basal Metabolic Rate (Basic Metabolic Rate)
The number of calories per gram of fat, protein, and carbs is.
9cal/g (fat) 4cal/g (protein and carbs)
To calculate a persons BMI you must do this
Weight in kg x (height in meters)^2
If we consume more than our UL it can result in
Nutrient Toxicity
This is the part of the digestive tract where most nutrients are absorbed.
Small Intestine.
This will increase our BMR for 48 hours.
Moderate to vigorous physical activity.