How many ounces of protein is 4 PRO exchanges?
This enzyme is found in saliva and is the first step in digestion of starches.
Fats are sorted into three main categories. Name of of these categories.
Unsaturated Fats: These fats have one or more double bonds between carbon atoms, making them liquid at room temperature.
Saturated Fats: These fats have no double bonds between carbon atoms and are solid at room temperature.
Trans Fats: These fats are created through a process called hydrogenation, which turns liquid oils into solid fats.
This macronutrient is made up of amino acids and is essential for building and repairing tissues.
How many LIPID exchanges are in an whole avocado?
This protein-rich legume is commonly used in hummus and falafel.
Unlike other carbs, this type of carbohydrate passes through the digestive system largely intact, and helps with bowel regularity, lowering cholesterol, and regulating blood sugar.
This type of fat is commonly found in fish like salmon and is especially beneficial for heart health.
Omega-3 fatty acids
This macronutrient is the body’s primary source of energy, especially for the brain and muscles.
Cheese can be used in 3 different exchange groups. What are they?
PRO, LIPID, and Dairy.
How many grams of protein is in 1 PRO exchange?
How many grams of carbohydrates are in 1 CHO exchange?
How many grams of fat is in 1 LIPID exchange?
This macronutrient is a major source of energy and helps in the absorption of certain vitamins.
Fats (lipids)
Name a food item that qualifies as a PRO or a CHO exchange.
Chickpeas, quinoa, lentils, beans.
This is the term for the amino acids that our body cannot produce and must be obtained from the diet.
Essential Amino Acids
What is the difference between a whole grain and a refined grain?
A whole grain contains all 3 parts of the grain kernel in tact (bran, germ, endosperm).
A refined grain has been processed to remove the bran and the germ.
Name one of the four fat-soluble vitamins.
Vitamin A, D, E, or K.
This "non-nutrient essential" is not considered a macro, micro, vitamin, or mineral. However, it is vital for several different bodily functions.
Name a food item that qualifies as a PRO or a LIPID exchange.
Cheese, yogurt, nuts, beans, peanut butter, etc.
A lack of protein in the diet can lead to this condition, which involves swelling due to fluid retention.
This hormone is produced by the pancreas and helps regulate blood sugar by facilitating the movement of glucose from the bloodstream into the body’s cells so it can be used for energy.
Insulin essentially acts as a "key" that unlocks cells, allowing glucose to enter and be used as fuel!
Fat is necessary for the formation of this important substance in the body, which helps protect organs and maintain cell structure.
Cell membrane.
These nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, are needed in small amounts but are essential for maintaining health and preventing deficiencies.
Micronutrients OR vitamins/minerals
What are the exchanges for a hamburger, with one slice of cheese, on a bun?