How many products can we sell right now?
What time are we supposed to disposition our first door?
What is AIR
Acknowledge, Impulse, Resume
Who has the largest wireless network in the country?
You guys need to...
...write this down
How many products are we going to be able to sell next year?
What should you do if you're changing plans after the call?
Call Brandon
What is Verizon's home internet and entertainment platform called?
What does a customer need to fill out at the point of sale?
Registration email
How long is break?
30 mins
What is FFF?
You wanted...
...the service until you met me
Can we pay off a customer's phone if they owe $950 on it?
What is "putting a pin in it?"
1. Solo - 2 wifi and 1 wireless = leave by 5
2. Team - 3 wifi and 1 wireless =leave by 5
How do you get less objections in the field?
Have a great introduction/first impression
What year did Verizon FiOS launch?
When I'm right...
...I'm right, but when I'm wrong, I'm more right
What are the requirements to pay off a customer's phone?
1. Port number
2. Have to have old phone for more than 3 months
3. Upload a recent bill
Should you leave territory after the first loop?
No, it's the first loop nobody is SUPPOSED to be home, set appointments.
What is a smokescreen?
A false objection used to disguise the real one
What was Verizon called before it was Verizon?