Who handles RMAs?
The returns teams
How do you submit an RMA request?
Via email to North America Returns <nareturns@hpe.com>
Who authorizes M60 below 1000 USD?
OM&C OP CSR/Care Agent/ CPQ Quote Specialist
Return merchandise authorization
Is there a template for RMAs?
Who handles M60 requests?
How do you request the M60 quote?
By submitting a case via salesforce, New CPQ Direct Case
Steps of M60 and who works on each step
Request M60 quote to quoting
Send new quote to order processing to book new order
Post good issue - PGI has been performed for entire quantity of an item.
What needs to be provided to quoting when requesting an M60 quote?
The Care Team needs to Reference the original sales order, the reason for replacement and who is requesting the case.
Who handles DEFOAs?
North America Returns
How do you submit DEFOA requests?
Sent email to North America Returns <nareturns@hpe.com>
What DEFOA is handled by OM&C?
Information request
Finished Goods Inventory
Is there a template for DEFOAs?
What team approves manual invoices?
Accounts receivable
How do you make a request for manual invoice?
Send email to NACareSupport <northamericacaresupport@hpe.com>
What team handles P20 escalations?
Care specialists
Credit only
Mention 3 reason to request a CO
Customer Cancelled
Customer First
Customer Sat Issue
Duplicated Order
S&H Credit ISR Error
Invalid Ship To
Lost Shipment
Price Adjustment
Tax Credit
Short Shipment
System Issue
How do you submit a CR&RB request?
Defect on arrival
Mention 3 reason for a CR&RB
Invoice Consolidation
Request Correcting Aged Invoice
Incorrect bill to
Incorrect Payment Terms
Incorrect Pricing
Incorrect PO
Incorrect S&H Charges
Incorrect Ship To
Incorrect Tax Short Shipment
Split Invoice