The most basic level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy
What is psychological needs
This theory comes from the idea that people want to be treated fairly in relation to others
What is equity theory
What type of reinforcement schedule reinforces an unpredictable number of behaviors
What is variable ratio
These three factors influence task-specific self-efficacy
What is magnitude, strength, and generality
The approach that assumes employees want to feel useful and important, and that this is more important than money
What is human relations approach
The ERG theory stands for
What is existence, relatedness, and growth
The two types of rewards that come from performance in the Porter-Lawler model
What theory is associated with B.F. Skinner
This is the degree to which a person feels they have power over the events and outcomes in their life
Locus of control
The approach assumes people want to contribute and are able to make genuine contributions
What is human resource approach
Positive self image, self respect, and respect from others are examples of
What is self esteem
According to the expectancy theory, this is the belief that performance will lead to a certain outcome
What is performance-to-outcome expectancy
Which of the following principles is behavior modification in organizations based on
What is the use of various kinds of reinforcement to influence behavior
This form of reinforcement involves providing a reward after a desired behavior to increase the likelihood of the behavior being repeated
What is positive reinforcement
The approach to motivation that assumes employees are motivated by money as the primary motivator
What is scientific management
What is frustration-aggression component
According to the expectancy theory, valence is the relative ___ or ___ of an outcome for an individual
What is attractiveness and unattractiveness
According to reinforcement theory, what determines whether a behavior is repeated
What is the consequences of the behavior
What does the P=MxAxE equation stand for
What is performance, motivation, ability, and environment
Herzberg argued that motivation is a ___ factor phenomenon
What is 2
In the two factor theory there is a dimension of dissatisfaction and no dissatisfaction. The factors that influence this are called
What is hygiene factors
Based on the equity theory, when workers being paid on a piece-rate basis feel underpaid, they tend to reduce ___ and increase ___
What is inputs and outputs
What does social learning theory suggest about how individuals learn behaviors
People learn by observing others and their consequences
The equation for job performance
What is P=MxAxE
The four types of partial reinforcement schedules are
What is Fixed Ratio, Fixed Interval, Variable Ratio, and Variable Interval