Respiratory Conditions
Burns & Joints
Wild Card

True or False: Clients with an injury at the C4 level are able to use a tenodesis grasp.

False. Clients with an injury at the C6 level are able to use a tenodesis grasp.


True or False: Traumatic injuries are the primary cause of amputations in the U.S.

False. Most amputations are related to vascular disease.


True or False: Occupational therapy practitioners can determine the initial dose of oxygen therapy for clients with respiratory conditions.

FALSE. Respiratory therapists most often determine the initial dose of oxygen therapy. However, OT practitioners can adjust oxygen flow using clinical reasoning skills and input from RT and nursing.


True or False: Copper is used frequently in burn treatments to reduce infection risk.

FALSE. Silver is often used in treatments like Silvadene.


True or False: The average life expectancy of a person with Huntington's disease is 3-5 years.

False. It is typically about 20 years.


List two topics an OT would cover when educating a client with an SCI about pressure relief.

- Establishing hygiene habits such as ensuring cleanliness after self-catheterization, bowel program, sexual activity, and physical activity to ensure dry and intact skin

- Using an inspection mirror to visualize difficult to see body parts

- Frequent position changes

- Pressure relief strategies in a chair or bed with UE

- Training on use of wheelchair features for pressure relief (tilt, recline, etc.)

- Supine <> sit transfers

- Safely moving body parts across various seating surfaces


This condition occurs in amputees who experience uncomfortable or irritating sensations in the area previously occupied by the amputated limb.

Phantom pain or phantom sensation


Define the term dyspnea.

Difficult or labored breathing


List three joint protection techniques.

  • Use proper body mechanics to avoid joint pain/deformity.
  • Avoid activities that do not allow for a change in position (change positions frequently).
  • Respect pain.
  • Avoid tight grips or gripping for long periods.
  • Avoid actions that may lead to joint deformity.
  • Use larger joints or many joints when possible

This neurotransmitter is most affected in individuals with Parkinson's disease.



List an intervention, process, or device that is important for management of neurogenic bowel/bladder for a person with an SCI.

Digital stimulation, catheterization (self-, indwelling, or intermittent), consistent bowel/bladder programs, nutrition/hydration education, padded commode chair.


It is important to avoid this position to promote full ROM and prevent contractures in a client with a lower extremity amputation.

Knee flexion.


What is the normal SPO2 range for a person with emphysema or bronchitis? (Hint: X% - Y%)

88% to 92%


List two interventions to prevent or reduce scarring after a burn injury.

Massage, cream, pressure & compression, low-load prolonged stretch


List three posterior hip precautions.

1. No internal rotation

2. No hip flexion past 90 degrees

3. No crossing the legs.


Describe three symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia.

Symptoms include a sudden increase in systolic BP, severe headache, bradycardia, goosebumps, flushing, and sweating above level of SCI.

Note: AD is an exaggerated, reflexive sympathetic response, generally in an individual with a complete SCI/D at T6 or above. This response causes a very high blood pressure and potentially life threatening symptoms that happen due to stimuli such as pain, irritation, constipation, or a full bladder.


This type of UE prosthetic uses a harness system to open and close the terminal device.

Body-powered prosthetic


People with asthma using a meter dose inhaler should use a ______ to trap medication from the device while inhaling slowly.



List three energy conservation techniques.

  • Use automated, lightweight, or ergonomic tools/equipment
  • Eliminate unnecessary tasks
  • Eliminate unnecessary physical movement - bending, walking, stretching, etc. (keep items close to where they will be used)
  • Sit when possible
  • Plan ahead
  • Pace yourself during tasks
  • Prioritize important activities
  • Position yourself to achieve the task most efficiently
  • Ask for help as needed (delegate tasks)

This condition develops rapidly and often follows a viral illness, immunization, or surgery

Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)


A client with an injury defined as an ASIA E on the ASIA Impairment Scale would need what level of assistance to complete BADL?

Very little or no assistance. A person who is at the ASIA E level has "normal" sensation and motor function.


This term describes an amputation that results in a person losing the limb distal to the patellofemoral joint.

Below knee amputation (BKA)


Describe the procedure for instructing a person in diaphragmatic breathing. (Position of the body/hands and directions)

Lying down, hand on stomach and hand on chest. Breathe without moving hand on chest, just move stomach and this will strength the diaphragm.


The ____ splint with the hand in the _____ position is the standard of care to prevent scarring and contracture when a person sustains a burn to their hand. (Two-part answer)

Antideformity hand splint in intrinsic plus position


List one body system and the impact of chemotherapy on this system.

  • Circulatory and immune
  • Nervous
  • Muscular
  • Digestive
  • Integumentary
  • Sexual and reproductive
  • Excretory & endocrine
  • Skeletal
  • Cognitive & mental health