OT/OTA Roles & Process
Autism/Mental Health/Emotional Regulation

This OT clinician is responsible for overseeing the evaluation processing including selecting/administering assessments, as well as interpreting results 

Who is the occupational therapist (OT)


This type of documentation sounds like a bubble bath but it is important for OTAs to complete for each child's session

What is a SOAP note


This is a widely used assessment used by the Early Intervention team

What is the DAYC-2


This assessment is commonly used in the preschool setting especially for OT clinicians who want to assess a child's fine motor and visual motor skills

What is the PDMS-2/PDMS-3


 This OT tool focuses on the ability help children learn how to recognize when they are in different states of emotion and learn strategies/coping mechanisms to cope with life challenges.

What are the zones of regulation


An OTA is able to administer assessments to contribute to the evaluation process, however the OT must deem them this term first

What is competent


This type of documentation report is completed when a child is being dismissed from OT services

What is a discharge summary


This person's primary responsibilities on the EI team include overseeing and coordinating all services, as well as ensuring updates are completed on the IFSP

Who is the Service Coordinator


An OTA is working on cutting with a 4 year old on scissor skills and adds a sticker on the top loop to promote proper scissor grasp which is an example of this OT tool

What is an adaptation


This program focuses on helping children and youth to be mentally healthy in all environments (school, home, and community).

What is Every Moment Counts


This OT clinician is responsible for ensuring collaboration and supervision from their supervisor according to state requirements as they carry out the intervention plan

Who is the OTA


Charlie independently engaged zipper on bottom of donned jacket and zipped up & down with one verbal due during 4 out of 5 trials. This is an example of this part of a SOAP note:

What is the objective section


IFSP is the official document outlining a child's services, goals etc in Early Intervention. IFSP stands for this

Individualized Family Service Plan


This type of scissors is often beneficial for young children with one sided weakness and are unable to efficiently grasp and cut with typical scissors as it can be placed on the table

What are mounted tabletop scissors


First/Then board, written or picture schedules and social stories are all examples of

What are visual supports


This OT clinician accepts referrals for occupational therapy prior to the evaluation process

Who is the Occupational Therapist (OT)


The main purpose of documentation and maintaining accurate written records is to document progress on occupation based _______. 

What are goals


Lifting and holding items with both hands in play best support this feeding related occupation during a child's first year of life

What is holding their bottle?


Johnny is a 3 year old preschooler whose teacher, Mrs. Jones, who is considered that he is unable to write his name independently. Based on his age, you educate her to focus on prewriting skills including copying a horizontal line, vertical line and this shape instead.

What is a circle


This program teaches awareness of states of alertness in the brain & body, as well as how to change and/or maintain the ideal level of alertness. Name the program and three senses you can use to experiment with methods in this program. 

What is The Alert Program

•Mouth-make loud/quiet noises


•Touch -soft/rough/light/heavy(proprioceptive

•Look -visuals

•Listen-auditory listen to calming music or loud music


This OT clinician contributes knowledge about the patient and collaborates in discharge planning

Who is the OTA


This format of goal writing focuses on the client, occupation, level of assistance and timeline

What is a COAST goal


Early Intervention uses this approach which involves all team members working together in a collaborative manner

What is an interdisciplinary approach


An OTA is treating a 4 year old with CP who has difficulty with grasp on eating utensils impacting independent self feeding. She recommended the use of a fork with a _____ handle as an adaptation.

What is built up


This is a relationship based and child led approach used to treat children with ASD

What is DIR
