The tube used for breathing.
What is the trachea?
The shield, a.k.a, the Adam’s apple.
What is the thyroid cartilage?
What are SOVT exercises, under the breath singing, or siren quality singing?
The function of a muscle.
What is contraction? What is it that closes the distance between two connection points?
An overarching term meaning “some level of maladaptive and inefficiency voice use pattern characterized by excessive tension in the muscles surrounding the larynx…”
What is Muscle Tension Dysphonia?
The two primary inspiratory muscles.
What are the diaphragm and the external intercostals?
The only circumferential cartilage in the body.
What is the cricoid cartilage?
Under-pressurization or breathiness
What are glottal strokes, cry quality, or fry-onset?
Miller’s five principles of successful teaching.
Bilateral lesions of the mid-vocal fold epithelium that are caused by chronic phonotrauma- these develop slowly.
What are nodules?
What is the sternocleidomastoid?
The only vocal fold abductors.
What are the posterior cricoarytenoids?
Woofy resonance
What is singing on a closed vowel, exploring nasal resonance, or rolling the tongue outwards?
The difference between the epiglottis and the glottis.
What is the cartilage that covers the trachea to prevent food from going down “the wrong pipe” and the conditional hole that exists only when the folds are parted?
Benign raised vocal fold lesions that are cause by acute phonotrauma- these develop quickly.
What are polyps?
The line of connective tissue that runs down the center of the abdominus rectus.
What is the linea alba?
The muscle responsible for stretching and positioning the laryngeal structure to make head voice sounds.
What is the cricothyroid muscle?
Running out of air.
What is leaning out (appoggio) or messa di voce?
Fountainhead syndrome.
What is the teaching mistake in which teachers present themselves as paragons of knowledge who are infallible and the sole keeper of their knowledge base?
Bleeding in the vocal fold caused by shearing trauma of the vocal fold- like from aggressive voice use, coughing, or other phonotrauma.
What is a vocal hemorrhage?
The name of the horizontal stripes of cartilage that run along the breathing tube.
What are the cartilaginous rings?
The spincter responsible for helping us to make whiny, catlike sounds.
The aryaepiglottic sphincter.
High larynx
What is yawn/swallow/lower breath, the alien exercise, or "no, this is Patrick!"?
Layrngeal-pharyngeal reflux.
What is the condition in which acid reflux from the stomach travels up the esophagus and back down the trachea, burning and affecting the vocal cords?
Neurogenic impairment of vocal fold mobility.
What is the paresis?