T/F: Peer Connections Services are open to Open University students
The number of direct service hours required of tutors to earn CRLA certification
Role of a Tutor
Appointments and drop-in 1:1 tutoring (also anything on page 18)
T/F: All Peer Educators are required to take online FERPA Training.
Where to find any physical notes, messages or other items that may be given to you by other Peer Connections Staff
Your Mailbox
The people to whom Peer Connections offers their service
All Students enrolled in SJSU courses
T/F: All Peer Connections CRLA Training Programs Programs have received up to Level 3 CRLA Certification.
True: Peer Connections can deliver training that would grant a Level 3 CRLA certificate
The role of a Peer Mentor
(See Page 22 - Role of the Peer Mentor, any one bullet point)
Peer Educators can share confidential information divulged by students to these people only.
The Peer Educator's Supervisor (unless otherwise directed by supervisor)
When Peer Educators are expected to wear their name tags
Whenever in the Peer Connections Space or otherwise representing Peer Connections (i.e. Working in the classroom, tabling at events, etc.)
The location of Peer Connections
Student Success Center (SSC) 600
Day and time of training meetings during the semester
Thurdays, 4:30-5:45
The type of classes Supplemental Instruction Leaders are embedded in
Classes that have a reputation for high difficulty and/or low-pass rates
T/F: While you are a CSU Employee, as an Undergraduate Student Assistant you are not a mandated reporter.
What to do when you know you will be late to a shift
Call the Welcome Desk (408‐924‐2587) immediately to inform the Welcome Desk Staff and any students that are scheduled to meet with you. Speak with your supervisor later (ASAP) regarding the situation.
Peer Connections' service hours
Monday -Wednesday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Thursday - Friday : 9 AM - 4 PM
Two of the learning outcomes of Peer Education training
(List any two from Page 11 - Learning Outcomes in the PC Handbook)
The Learning Style encouraged by Learning Assistants
Hands on/Applied skills learning
Peer Connections’ main form of communication
SJSU Gmail, GChat for quick/urgent matters in need of quick response
Locations outside of SSC where Peer Educators might Provide services.
BBC, Study Hub (i.e. in CVB), SARC, Yoshida Hall, attendance at specific classes, Zoom
According to the mission statement, our team empowers students to become _____
Self Directed Learners and Active Global Citizens
The twofold purpose of the IPTPC
Through CRLA gives recognition and positive reinforcement to students as well as sets a standard for tutor skills and training.
The roles of each of the Foundations Training Leads and their supervisors
Sophie: Supplemental Instructor, Francesca
Aahana: Supplemental Instructor, Francesca
Abigail : Learning Assistant - Ashley
Jaime: Learning Assistant - Ashley
The policy regarding connecting with your students via personal social media
Only allowed when you are sure you will not be working with them in your capacity as Peer Educator
How to request time off
Speak to your supervisor first (at least two weeks prior) to discuss the circumstances of your time off, then fill out the Schedule Change Request Form