These are the first 3 things you do after you come in to the classroom in the morning.
Put your backpack up, get breakfast, get Ipad and headphones
Name 2 ways you can show responsibility in the classroom
*Be helpful
*have your materials out when asked
*be on-task
*use the restroom at appropriate times
*follow teacher's directions
*don't be disruptive
This is what you should do when you need a fork, napkin, etc.
Ask an adult.
This is what you should do if you want to say something during class.
Raise your hand and wait to be called on
What you should do if you find something random on the floor?
Give it to the teacher when she isn't busy and in the middle of teaching, give it to who it belongs to, or throw it in the trash
True or False. The smart board is not important to read in the morning.
This is how you can show responsibility in the hallways
voice level 0
standing facing forward
What should you do if you need another pencil?
Raise your hand and ask to switch it out!
This is when you should follow directions.
The first time they are given or after your teacher says the transition word.
What should you do before you enter the class?
Be greeted by me or my greeter of choice.
The voice level you should be at during the announcements.
Zero Voice Level
Name 2 ways you show responsibility during reading and conferencing
Get out a book and read silently while sitting, without distractions.
This is how you should line up for lunch and recess.
Voice level zero and in number order
This is what will happen if you follow directions.
You get Brag Board squares!!
Name 3 other responsibilities you need to complete in the morning.
Have a pencil ready, Work on morning work, Pick up your trash after breakfast
Give me 3 ways you can show responsibility while learning
Stay in your seat.
Use hand signals
Stay on task
Raise Hand
When and how do you line up after recess?
When the whistle blows and in your number order.
This is what you should do when you are not sure of what to do.
Quietly ask a classmate, ask an adult in the room, or raise your hand to ask for help.
This is how you ask to use the restroom.
Show a sign language letter R
This is the time you should speak during the announcements.
The Pledge of Allegiance and our guidelines for success
Give 3 ways you can show responsibility during bathroom breaks
Use the bathroom as quickly as you can
Wash hands with soap
Put paper towels in the trash can
What voice level should we be waiting in line for the cafeteria?
voice level 0
This is what you should do when your teacher is talking.
Be at a voice level zero and listen.
When the phone rings, what should you do?
Put your head down and sit quietly so that I can hear.