Sleeping in, not having to rush in the morning, being able to do my work on my own time schedule
What is not having to go to school?
Missing my friends, feeling bored and down, lacking a schedule
What is not going to school?
Bored, going to sleep too late, not being able to get up in the morning, not wanting to do daily routine
What is depressed?
What is grandparent?
I can't wait to see these sometime soon
What are friends from school?
What is not having any social activities outside the house to go to?
Not being able to swim
What is pools and gyms being closed?
Having difficulty falling asleep, thinking about all the bad things, wondering if family members will die, shortness of breath, panicky feelings
What is anxiety?
He/she is irritating most of the time, especially now.
What is sibling?
All I want to do is text this person
What is my bestie?
Watching Netflix, reading more, listening to music
What is having more free time than usual?
Fighting with my sibling
What is having to spend all my time with my sibling?
Missing my friends, missing out on all previously-planned activities, wishing I could go to the mall or a restaurant
What is sadness and loss?
She/he keeps worrying about me and pushing me to do my schoolwork and stay on task
What is mom or dad?
I may have missed my opportunity before quarantine with this person
What is the guy or girl I have a crush on?
Eating home-cooked meals, chatting around the dinner table with my family
What is most restaurants being closed or only open for take-out?
Worrying about people, feeling hopeless about the state of the world
What is listening to the news or hearing about the deaths from COVID-19?
Beaches and parks opening back up, Zoom chats with friends, parents making special foods and/or desserts
What is excited?
I don't get to see him/her right now because we live in different houses.
What is cousin, aunt, uncle, or grandparent?
Doing Zoom chats, Houseparty, or drive-by birthday celebrations with these people
What is group of friends?
Finding a new outlet such as art or music, learning a new skill, getting an opportunity to organize my stuff
What is taking advantage of the extra time I have and making the best of a bad situation?
Not being able to visit elderly relatives
What is older people being at higher risk for COVID-19?
Making Tik Tok videos, sharing cool memes and shows, playing with pets
What is happy?
He/she tries to boost my spirits, tries to be funny/silly, suggests things to do with my time
What is mom or dad?
I don't have much contact with this person anymore
Who is a friend who refuses to text or video chat?