What legislation was put into action to cause change within the airline industry?
What is Airline Deregulation Act of 1978?
Four management functions
4 P's of Marketing
What is reward for effort, reward for risk, return on investment, profit to sales ratio?
What aircraft did paul work on?
What is F-15 models C,D,E
What percentage of revenue is the responsibility of the average passenger?
What is 75%
Name some of the managerial errors.
What is failure to anticipate industry trends, lack of priorities, poor time management, poor communication, and inability to focus on profit?
Realizing Profit
Set goals and follow through
Who were the first successful Aircraft manufacturers?
What is The wright brothers?
Who are the aviation regulatory agencies?
Leadership Styles
What is Authoritarian, Participative, Delegative?
How did tort reform affect the aviation industry?
What is a rebound in small aircraft production and new aircraft for fractional aircraft companies?
Planning for Positive Cash
What is forecasting sales and revanues?
Who are the FBO's in Bozeman Airport?
What is ignature, Million Air, Jet Aviation?
Name some of the market challenges for FBO's.
What is Airport closures, the internet, globalization, new wealth/fractional ownership, security and terrorism, and advances in technology?
Rule for delegating
Market Niche
What is each competitors share of that market?
Saving money within the FBO
What is Budgeting?
What was one of the major issues of commercial aircraft?
What is The pollution from the engines?
What are some advances in aviation technology?
What is longer range, fuel efficiency, quieter aircraft, extra capacity, increased speed, comfort/luxury, and advanced avionics?
Time management issues
Fixed V.S. Flexible Pricing
What is tax planning, competition, retained earnings, and new revenue sources?
What is the busiest GA airport in the US?
What is Van Nuys Airport?