Part 1
This type of anxiety is stable and is referred to as more of a personality trait
trait anxiety
This term refers to an imbalance between the demands placed on an individual AND their response capability, under conditions in which failure to meet demands has important consequences
When performing this skill, you are practicing a present-moment, non-judgmental awareness of what you are sensing and feeling
This type of training occurs when an individual is exposed to and learns to cope with stress in increasing amounts. This enhances their immunity to stress.
Stress Inoculation Training (SIT)
What are the four stages of McGrath’s 4-stage model of the stress process
Stage 1: Environmental Demand
Stage 2: Individual's perception of the environmental demand
Stage 3: Stress Response
Stage 4: Behavioral Consequences
This type of anxiety is considered to be a "moment to moment" type of anxiety
state anxiety
True or False
How individuals cope with anxiety is more important than how much anxiety they have
True or False
Arousal is automatically associated with either pleasant or unpleasant events
This term refers to a negative emotional state characterized by worry, nervousness, and apprehension
What are the five steps of the negative emotional chain?
1. Frustration
2. Frustration intensified
3. Anger
4. Panic
5. Resignation
A psychological/physiological activation, varying in intensity along a continuum that could be positive or negative. It is related to energy levels, alertness, and activation.
What are 3 strategies of coping with the Yips
1. Relaxation Training
2. Positive Thinking
3. Visualization
4. Systematic desensitization
5. Grounding strategies (brain and body getting reconnected)
This hypothesis states that performance gradually improves as arousal increases up to a certain point, then gradually decreases as arousal continues to increase
Inverted- U Hypothesis
This hypothesis states that athletes have an individualized optimal state of anxiety/arousal in which there is the highest chance of peak performance
Individualized Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) Hypothesis
This hypothesis states that an anxiety management technique should be matched to a particular problem
The Matching Hypothesis
What are three tips for building resilience, according to the lecture
Develop a core set of beliefs that nothing can shake.
Try to find meaning in whatever stressful event has happened.
Try to maintain a positive outlook.
Take cues from someone who is especially resilient.
Don’t run from things that scare you; face them.
Be quick to reach out for support.
Learn new things as often as you can.
Find an exercise regimen you can stick to.
Don’t beat yourself up or dwell on the past.
This theory states that arousal affects performance depending on an individual’s interpretation of their arousal either as pleasant or unpleasant
Reversal Theory
According to the lecture, what are the four implications for practice relative to arousal/anxiety regulation
Recognize, Identify, Tailor, and Develop
What is the 1st step in regulating arousal?
Increasing your self-awareness on your psychological states before you control your thoughts and feelings
What are the 3 demands of training?
1. Task Stressors
2. Performance Stressors
3. Environmental Stressors