Fill in the missing letters to identify one of Children's culture concepts!
What is the fastest land animal in the world?
How do we know the surveyor is in fact who they say they are?
We ask for a badge
How many different ways should we be searching for a patient, prior to creating a new patient?
Where can we find emergency response plans?
In our red/white (@ SGM) binders, or on the Q drive under your location.
What value does this best describe?
Name the only state that is 1 syllabol.
Who should we be contacting immediately upon the arrival of the surveyor?
Site/building manager and/or AOC
What should we always read when going into a patient chart?
FYI and/or appointment notes/messages, security and other flags
Which is not a response plan we have listed in our Emergency Response Plan documents?
Missing child
Active Shooter
Hurricane Response
Name 3 out of 5 of our values here at Children's Wisconsin
3 of the following:
What is Wisconsin's state bird?
American Robin
Joint commission may be listening to our screening questions- what are the 3 screening questions?
What do we put if a patient family refuses to give a SSN?
All 9's (999-99-9999)
Does the front desk have roles in a missing child response plan?
YES- CHECK your areas that we need to cover to search!
Where do we want to remain on the mood elevator?
Who won the first ever NFL Superbowl?
Green Bay Packers!
Badges need to be worn (ABOVE OR BELOW) the waist?
If grandma is bringing child in- and states she is legal guardian, can she sign consent?
If we have paperwork on file and she is listed as 'yes' to legal guardian; otherwise no.
Who is responsible to call 911 in an emergent situation?
What type of styles are these following? Controlling, analyzing, promoting, and supporting?
What year was Children's Wisconsin Established?
It is acceptable to have up to 2 beverages on your desk, as long as they are covered? (TRUE or FALSE?)
FALSE- only 1 is allowed
Explain the differences we need to verify during
E-Check in vs. an appointment that was not completed via E-Check in for Greenfield and Kenosha locations?
E-Check in:
Verify HIPPA
Thank them for utilizing, verify no changes- or go over the changes made.
Not completed via E-Check in:
Verify HIPPA
Ask them to give:
Patient Address
Patient Phone Number
Any other unknowns unless area on checklist is elapsed- then everything in that section.
What is the first step in an Active Shooter response?