Policies & Procedures
The Residential Network
Grab Bag

When on a room visit, should you:

A. Leave the door open

B. Shut the door

C. Leave it up to the student

D. Doesn't matter

C. Leave the door open

1)What color are Ethernet wall ports?

2) How many are active in each room?

1) Orange.

2) One.


A. What is the only surefire way to remove a virus?

B. Do ResTek staff do this for residents?

A. Reformatting the hard drive.

B. No.


I don't have a printer, so:

1. Where can I print my homework?

2. Does it cost anything?

3. How do I pay for printing?

1. Store your documents on either a USB drive, your U: drive, or other web-based storage site; go to a computer lab, access the document and print it out.

2. Black and White = 5cents per page, Color = 25cents per page.

3. There are cash print deposit stations in Haggard Hall and the Academic Instructional Center, and online deposits with a credit card can be made at https://wwu.pcounterwebpay.com.

What information do residents use to log in to the residential network?
Universal ID and password.
List the five things you must bring on a room visit.

1. Badge

2. ResTek t-shirt

3. Manual

4. Pen/pencil

5. Patch cable

What is the term for a small piece of information that travels along the network?
A packet.
Name a free antivirus program.
AVG, Avast!, etc.
Help! I can't log onto myWestern! Who do I contact?

ATUS: Academic Technology & User Services

Haggard Hall




Name every residence hall on campus.

(Hint: there are 16!)

1.Edens Hall

2.Edens North













15.Buchanan Towers

16.Buchanan Towers East

16.Birnam Wood


1. What is the Ground-Up Policy?

2. Why do we use it?

1. Check basics first: Make sure power cords and Ethernet cables are plugged in firmly, verify that all devices are powered on, use patch cable to determine whether or not the resident's cable is defective, physical switch of the wireless card enabled, was the wireless certificate properly installed etc.

2. Sometimes solutions are simple and it saves time to catch these obvious things as early in a room visit as possible.


Identify the various components in the following diagram, and describe what each component does.


A. Building Switch

B. Router

C. ResTek Servers

D. Packetshaper

E. Firewalls

PC users should configure their virus protection software to ____________ regularly in order to keep their computers secure.
I'm looking for someone to help me with Photoshop. Where should I go?

Student Technology Center

Haggard Hall 2



What is a rogue DHCP?

When an Ethernet cable is plugged from the wall into one of the LAN ports on a wireless router, the router will act as a DHCP server, giving out IP addresses to other machines on the network, without the owner of the router knowing it's doing that.

In other words, rogues are bad.


1. What is the Hands-Off Policy?

2. Why do we use it?

1. ResTek staff are not allowed to touch residents' computers.

2. A.) ResTek provides an educational service, whereby verbally guiding residents through the steps to troubleshoot and solve the problems they are experiencing helps them learn more about how to use their computers and how to fix them in the future. B.) Liability issues.


What is the ResTek proxy and how does it work?

What's the easiest way to ensure that a resident uses the proxy?

The proxy server caches commonly visited websites, and residents who use the proxy experience faster browsing.

Set to auto-detect proxy settings.

What antivirus program is endorsed by ResTek?
Trick question! ResTek does not endorse any specific program.
I want to hook up my Xbox for Xbox Live. How do I do it?
ResTek alternate device registration (ADR) on the ResTek website.

Point out what's wrong with the following, and how you would fix the problem.


Change setting to Obtain IP address automatically.

1. What is Western's policy on Copyright Infringement?

2. What does a resident experience if he/she is accused of violating copyright law?

1. The illegal downloading, copying, and distributing of copyrighted media is NOT permitted on Western's network.

2. Internet is shut off, resident is told they must meet with their Resident Director (RD), once that meeting is held, the RD asks ResTek to turn the Internet back on, the resident is asked to remove the violating media from their computer.

How much bandwidth is available on the residential network?
300 Mbps
Define "spyware" and list some of the common symptoms.
Any software that covertly gathers user information through the user's Internet connection without his or her knowledge, usually for advertising purposes.

Resets your Homepage - When you open up your browser, you are taken to a different homepage than the one you specified. If so, then you probably have a Spyware problem!

Changes Search Results - Have you noticed that when you click on a link, instead of going where you expected, you are taken to a different site than the one you clicked on?

Pop Up Ads Displayed - Are you seeing so many pop up ads that you can't close them fast enough to keep up?

Installs Unwanted Software - Have you noticed new programs installed on your computer like Golden Palace that you did not install?

Slow Browsers - Have you noticed that your web browser is taking longer to load pages than before?

Toolbars Added to your Browser - Have you noticed any new toolbars added to your browser?

I want to know about job openings at ResTek! How can I find out about positions opening up?
The ResTek website and the Student Employment Center website.
Name the three ResTek wireless networks and what they are for?

1. WWUResTek-secure: this is a secure, encrypted network that ResTek recommends for all users, it requires the downloading of a certificate, and it also allows users to log in once, register, and then not have to log in every time they want to get online.

2. WWUResTek-help: this is an unsecured network for users who are unable to connect to WWUResTek-secure, it provides instructions on how to download the certificate, most Windows users will need these instructions, but Mac users won't, since the Mac OS automatically recognizes that a certificate is needed and downloads it.

3. WWUResTek-alt: this unsecured network is not visable, and is used for Internet-enabled devices that don't have web browsers: game consoles, TVs, Blu Ray players, TiVo, eReaders, 3G/4G Hotspots.
