What history-themed joke did I tell consistently around sixth-grade and at the talent show?
What do you call an early human who always says crazy things?
What school do I go to
Moses Brown
What is the main clown item that impresses people
My unicycle skills
What type of shoes do I wear
Dress shoes
What popular joke did I make about Hawaii during the talent show
Did you hear laughing too loudly is illegal in Hawaii? They only permit a low ha
What color is my backpack
What unofficial club did I start
Juggling Club
What town did I live in for eleven years of my life
Fill in the blank!!
What was my body system in the science project
The excretory/urinary system
What type of clown clothing did I wear during recess once.
Clown shoes
What is my middle name
Fill in the blank!
"Quoth the raven ___, quoth the raven ____"
*Blank answers are the same
What clef do I read when I play the baritone horn
Bass Clef
What clown hobby was the first clownish thing that I accomplished
Pogo sticking
What is my best mile time
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Auster-ridiculous Aferensis
What does "Ubi est Oppidum?" mean in Latin
"Where is the town?"
What type of clown item did I try to make over winter break.
How much water does my water bottle hold
68 mL