This is when you should be in the classroom.
There are this many core rules.
What is Four
This is the type of language you must use in the classroom.
What is Clean/Polite/Etc.
This is the first Not-So-Good consequence when a rule or procedure is broken.
What is A warning.
True or False: Leaving your seat and/or lining up at the door before class is dismissed is an acceptable thing to do.
This is how you should enter the classroom.
Unless otherwise specified, this is where you should be—and remain— through class.
What is My/Your seat.
You should be in this location until dismissed by your teacher.
What is My/Your desk.
This consequence comes from doing something exceptionally well.
What is School reward points/things/etc.
This is the earliest you should be packing up to leave class.
What is With two minutes left.
This is where you should be after entering the classroom.
What is Your/My desk
When someone else is talking, you should not be doing these two things.
What is talking and being disruptive.
Arriving to class on time is obviously expected, but once you're there, you must be what?
What is Ready to learn.
This consequence comes after repeated offenses.
What is A call home.
When leaving the class, you must do so in this manner.
What is Orderly.
This is what you should do once you are in your seat.
What is Look to the board to find the bell ringer.
You must raise your hand before doing these two things.
What is talking and getting up from your seat.
This is how to do well in the class.
What is Doing your work and submitting it on time.
This is what you will be doing if you have multiple offenses and we have a fun activity at the end of class.
What is An alternate assignment.
This is what dismisses students from class.
What is The teacher.
This is when you need to start the bell ringer.
What is When the bell rings.
Answers may vary.
This heinous crime involves using another person's work and/or words and claiming it as your own.
What is Plagiarism.
Why do we have consequences?
Answers may vary.