What do you do when you get in class?
Sit in your assigned seat, read the question of the day.
How to I show respect with my body?
Kepp body to myself, be safe, stay in my area/seat
What does being responsible to yourself look like?
Do my work, bring my materials, be on time, take care of my stuff, keep my stuff organized.
What does safe look like for myself?
Keep my body to myself, no running/jumping, no climbing/leaning in chairs/tables, stay in my seat/area.
How do you ask for help in class during individual work time?
You ask your partner and group members. If you still can't get the answer raise your hand quietly and wait.
How do I show respect to my peers?
Listen without interrupting, be kind and helpful, use appropriate language, ask before touching their belongings
What does being responsible look like toward others?
Keep out of their space/stuff, keep my area clean, not interrupting them or their learning, be helpful.
What does safe look like to others?
Keep my body to myself, no throwing things, no hurting/bullying others, no stealing, being honest.
When can I use the bathroom?
During 15/15, during passing, lunch, or before/after school.
How do I show respect to my teacher?
Be quiet during instructions, participate in the activity, be on task, do my work.
What does being responsible look like toward the teacher?
Participate, be on time, have my supplies ready, ask for help, put and keep my technology away.
What does being safe around Ms. Midori look like?
Keep my body to myself, stay in my area/seat, take a break when needed, no throwing, no stealing, no vandalism.
When are the expectations for food in my class?
Ask permission before eating, do not distract or offer to others.
What if I need a pencil?
At the beginning of class, get a pencil off of Ms. Midori's desk.
What does not showing respect look like?
Disrupting, out of area/seat, inappropriate language, leaving a mess, leaving without permission, bullying.
What does not being responsible look like?
Being late, disrupting teaching/learning, not having supplies, leaving a mess, invading other's space, vandalism, do no work.
What does not being safe look like?
Running/jumping/climbing, throwing things, leaning in furniture, stealing, vandalism, lying, bullying/threatening/harassing others
What is the bathroom procedure? What happens if I don't follow it?
On the sign out/in paper- write the date, your name, the time you left and when you returned. 5 minutes or less, or the privilege is gone the next day.
What are consequences for being disrespectful?
Loss of points, loss of privileges, call to office or home, miss out on your learning, loss of respect from peers.
What are consequences for not being responsible?
Loss of points, loss of privileges, phone/technology confiscated, office/home called, miss out on instruction.
What are the consequences of not being safe?
Loss of points, loss of privileges, call to office/home, missing work, HIB referral, change of class/seat.