Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Recess/Lunch Procedures
School rules
Being a good classmate

How do we get Mrs. Anderson's attention?

By raising your hand quietly until you are picked.


What do you do when you get in the classroom in the morning?

Check mail, put it in your folder, and put your folder in your backpack. Then, you can read, write, or color!


What do you when you walk to the office or lunch?

You walk in a quietly and straight line and keep hands to self.. you may be the secret walker!


What do I do if I am late to school?

Go to Ms. Kim for a late slip


How can you be a good classmate?

By taking turns talking and sharing.

What do we do when we need to get into the green zone? 

We can use the calm down chair, fidgets, and different breathing strategies!


How do you ask for help in class?

You can ask your partner and group. If you still can't get the answer raise your hand quietly and wait.


What do I do when the teacher blows the whistle?

Line up in front of the recess doors, quickly and quietly!


Where do we go for music?

Mr. Moneke will come into our classroom!


What are 3 traits that make a good classmate?

1. Kind 

2. Helpful

3. Respectful


How do we show respect to our classmates?

We don't touch others' things without asking and always follow the golden rule!


When can I use the bathroom?

When we are working on our own (not when Miss Dean is teaching). Make sure to move your name on the whiteboard!


What do I do if a ball go on the street?

Ask the teacher for permission to get the ball, look both ways, and quickly bring the ball back.

How should I walk in the hallway?
With a level 0 voice, walking feet, and keeping hands to self. We don't want to have to practice with Miss Dean!

What are our Pheasant Values?

Respect, responsibility, and resilence!


What kind of food can students always have and where should we keep it?

Water! Keep it in the class "hydration station". Only 2 at a time! 


What do I do when my pencil breaks?

Put your old pencil in the "dull" bucket, grab a new pencil from the "sharp" bucket. The pencil monitor will sharpen our pencils during snack/classroom jobs.


What do I do if a friend is being mean?

Tell the friend that their words are hurting you and play with a new friend, or if they are hitting/hurting you then tell a teacher.


What if I hear the fire alarms?

Line up quickly and follow Mrs. Anderson outside to the playground. 


What does a good working group look like?

They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work or project done.


What are the rules at our carpet spots?

1. Eyes on Speaker

2. Hands to self

3. Ears listen

4. Raising hands


How do I line up for the hall?

Line up quietly behind the line leader - keep a 0 voice in the hallway

How should you behave in the hallway to the cafeteria?

Level 0 voice and keeping hands to self.


How should we behave in the lunch room?

Use your table (1-2) voice level, only take what you will eat, and ALWAYS say please and thank you to the lunch ladies.  

What noise level will I work at with a group?

Voice level 1 so that others around me can still focus
