What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise you hand, and wait quietly until you are picked. If Mrs. Huhn does not notice, you can say her name quietly.
What do you do when you get in class?
You get out your homework, book pages, and supplies, put your backpack up, say the pledge, and complete the bell ringer.
What do you do when you have late or makeup work?
You hand it to Mrs. Huhn when she comes around checking homework.
How can we control our anger to keep from having outbursts?
Ignoring the person making comments, counting to 10, focus on breathing, take a step away, give yourself some good advice (self-talk), look for the humor - without making fun of someone, consider the consequences of an outburst
How do you get your group to work together?
By taking turns talking, sharing ideas, and NOT taking over someone else's job.
What do you do to help another person be a better student?
You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!
How do you ask for help in class (in a group or working individually)?
If in a group, ask your partner and group. If working individually, raise your hand quietly and wait.
What should a classroom sound like when students are supposed to be working independently?
The room should be quiet.
How are you dismissed from the classroom?
Wait for Mrs. Huhn to dismiss your table.
What kind of noise will working in group sound like?
Quiet voices, no arguments, no cut downs of ideas
How do we follow directions, and where do we find the problems we need to be working on?
Listen to the directions and do what you are told. Find the problems usually on the Powerpoint.
When can I use the bathroom?
Before school, between classes, and lunch, unless there is an emergency.
What should you do before you leave the classroom at the end of the period?
You must pack up, put calculators and other materials up, and wait to be dismissed.
How do you get calls home or referrals?
If you disrespect your teachers and others, and are not following rules.
What are the roles for each member?
Task Manager, Encourager, Reporter or spokesperson, Recorder.
What kind of food can students have in class?
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before class begins. Raise hand and ask permission.
You can also trade your pencil for another.
What should you do when working with technology?
Stay on the task assigned, do not go to other websites without permission, and plug the computers back in the cart or return them to Mrs. Fox.
How do students get into GASP?
By fighting, harassing others, threatening others, and disobeying the teacher.
What does a good working group look like?
They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting their work or project done.
How can you respect others?
By listening to them, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.
How do students walk in the hallway?
Walk quietly on the right side of the hall
What are your lunchroom procedures?
Pick up your tray, move to designated tables, talk quietly in the cafeteria, empty trays.
When can you go out of the class?
You can't unless your teacher sends you with a note or a hall pass.
What is the purpose of cooperative groups?
Students helping one another, getting another person's perspective, finding different ways to solve problems, clearing up misconceptions about ideas