Name two strong feelings
Frustrated, Angry, Excited, Embarrassed, Sad
Name the first problem solving step
Say the problem
When someone is being calm and respectful to ask for what they want, they are being..
What does empathy mean?
Thinking about or understanding how other people feel
What is Miss. Phillips' favorite animal?
Elephant & Giraffe!
What kind of breath can you take to calm down?
When we say the problem, we need to make sure we are not
Blaming others
What does it mean if someone is being passive?
quiet, looking down, not saying what they want or need
Who can you have empathy for?
What is Miss. Phillips' favorite color?
Saying "I can do this!" is an example of what calm down skill?
Positive Self-Talk
Name the "T" problem-solving step
Think of solutions
When someone is being loud and mean when communicating, they are being..
Compassion is __________ in action!
What are the three steps for calming down?
Stop, name your feeling, calm down
When your brain is in feeling mode instead of thinking mode it is called...
Flipping your lid
The third problem solving step is to: Explore...
Your friend is feeling embarrassed because they fell down in PE class. How can you show empathy/compassion for them?
Asking if they are okay, telling them it is no big deal and that everyone falls sometimes, ask if they need any help, give them a hug or high five
What was Maya trying to win when James took the answer from her?
A funky monkey pencil and a free A hw pass/test score
Name one way to calm down besides belly breathing
The final problem solving step is
Pick the best solution
You are confused and frustrated about a math problem. Show us how you would assertively ask the teacher for help.
When you are feeling an uncomfortable feeling (nervous, sad, angry, frustrated, embarrassed), you might feel it in your body. Give an example of this
stomach hurts when nervous/anxious, legs get shaky when embarrassed, face gets hot when you are angry
What is the feeling part of the brain called? (The little yellow thing from the feelings/emotions videos)