How many bones are there in the adult human body?
Identify the agonist and antagonist in this image
agonist - bicep
antagonist - tricep
Identify the following muscle
pectoralis major
Correctly identify the 2 types of skeletons shown in the image.
axial and appendicular
What are the 2 types of bone tissue that make up a bone?
Cancellous (spongy) and (cortical) compact bone
What are the two correct terms used to describe the muscular movement occurring at the ankle in this image.
Left - plantar flexion
right - dorsiflexion
What connects muscle to bone?
Identify the name of the 5 bones coloured in YELLOW
Who is the best athlete in the class
What is the name of this TYPE of joint, and what actions is it capable of performing?
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction
Explain how muscles grow?
small tears created in the muscle through exercise. with recovery in form of sleep and protein, muscles repair themselves and grow stronger/larger.
progressive overload in training - gradually increasing intensity of exercise over time.
identify the 3 types of muscle and where they might be located
Skeletal - around bones
smooth - organs
cardiac - heart
Correctly locate 5 bones in this image
scapula, clavicle, humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
What are the 4 major grand slam tournaments?
Wimbledon, Aus Open, US Open, French Open
support structure
protect organs
facilitate movement
produce blood cells
storage of minerals
identify the 2 types of muscle fibres, and their function
fast twitch - powerful, strong fibres allowing explosive movement - fatigue quickly
slow twitch - long lasting, provide extended muscle contraction, more efficient
correctly locate the 5 muscles in this image
A - trapezius
B - lattissimus dorsi
C - gluteus maximus
D - Bicep femoris - Hamstring
E - gastrocnemius
Identify the 5 types of bone, and give 1 example of each type of bone
Long bone - femur
short bone - tarsal/carpal
flat bone - sternum/scapula
irregular - vertebrae
sesamoid - patella
2011 - NZ
2015 - NZ
2019 - SA
2023 - SA
Identify all 6 types of joints, and give 1 example of each type of joint in the body.
ball and socket - shoulder/hip
gliding - wrist/ankle
hinge - knee/elbow
pivot - elbow/neck
condyloid - wrist/knuckle
saddle - thumb
Identify the joints that are involved in this exercise, the movement actions, and the agonist muscles during the UP phase of this movement.
joints in involved - knee and hip
movement actions - knee extension, hip extension
agonist muscles - quadriceps, gluteus maximus
correctly identify all muscles located on this image excluding the neck muscle.
yellow - traps
uncoloured - deltoid
light blue - lats
dark blue - wrist extensors
purple - serratus anterior
green - external oblique
bonus - teres minor, teres major
what are the 4 types of vertebrae in the spinal column
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum
How many basketball championships has Michael Jordan won? and in what years?
6 championships.