True or False- there are 7 different versions of STOP.
False, there are 2!
What body clues might we get at school?
Shaky, stomach ache, sweaty, etc
What is evidence?
Clues, proof, facts, 100% true
Do our emotions last forever?
Would you rather have one giant eye or two noses?
Woah! That's pretty cool!
Name a time where either version of STOP would be a helpful skill to use.
“When I’m having a lot of ANTs” or “When I want to be unsafe”
What body clues do you get when you are at a high mood rating?
Hot, sweaty, stomach ache, head ache, dizzy, shaky
Is this helpful or unhelpful evidence: My teacher told me I was helpful in class
What are the three sections of our wave?
Before, During the intense emotion, After.
Would you rather have a puppy or a kitten?
Besides STOP, freeze your body, what is the second way we can practice STOP?
STOP change the channel.
What skills can you use to handle body clues?
TIP, wise mind, positive self talk, mindfulness
What is an example of a fact vs. Opinion?
Fact: today is Friday
Opinion: Friday is the best day of the week
What emotions might we feel during the intense emotion phase?
Furious, angry, sad, anxious
If you could create a new crayon color, what would if look like and what would you name it?
Great answer!!!
What is something you can change the channel to?
"vacations" or "video games I like" or "my pet" or "Florida”
What emotions might we be feeling if we are having body clues?
Nervous, worried, upset, embarrassed.
What are the two types of evidence we look for in clue snooping?
Helpful and unhelpful.
Name a situation we might use ride the wave in.
Great Example!! More examples- When someone annoys us at school, when our siblings hit us, when parents say no.
Would you rather have dessert for breakfast every day or breakfast for dessert?
What does each letter of STOP stand for?
STOP, freeze your body
Take a step back
Observe the situation
Proceed and make a helpful choice
What is a false alarm?
When we experience a body clue with NO threat to safety.
Imagine you are having the ANT "I never get what I want". What is an example of a more balance thought to replace your ANT?
"Sometimes I get what I want and sometimes I don't"
"It's okay if I don't get a prize because I got a new toy yesterday"
Name two skills we can use during each part of the wave?
If you were given a million dollars and had to spend it all in one week, what would you buy?