What is the record for the longest period without sleep?
11 Days
TRUE OR FALSE: using your phone before bed negatively affects your sleep.
Name two consequences of getting too little sleep.
At what time does Chris wake up every day?
6:30-7:00 AM
How many phases of sleep are there?
TRUE OR FALSE: Your body gets used to getting less sleep.
Name two benefits of getting a good night's sleep.
Improved memory, and attention, Living longer, Increased creativity, Increased energy/stamina, Lower stress, Decreased anxiety and depression, Helps the body make repairs, decreased inflammation, etc.
At what time does Brian fall asleep every day?
How much of a person's life do they spend sleeping?
33% or 1/3
Tell us one thing you need to change to sleep better at night.
What is the average amount of sleep Aiden gets per week?
45-47 hours per week