What is the meaning of Yellow Belt?
What is the difference between Irimi and Tenkan movement?
Irimi - penetrating/entering the attacker directly
Tenkan - to circle around the attacker
What is the purpose of Heian Godan?
Connecting all of the previous Kata's lessons by using short power
What is the old name for the Heian Kata series?
What is Sokuto?
The blade edge of the foot (used when kicking Yoko Geri)
What are the 5 points to a Kata?
Look before you turn
After every turn is a block
After every block is a strike
No Kiai, front foot moves, Kiai, back foot moves
What you do on one side, you do on the other
What is Tameshi Wari?
Board Breaking!
What kind of stance is Neko Ashi Dachi, and when would you use it?
Neko Ashi Dachi (cat stance) is a transition stance, and it used to move from one position to another
What does Tekki mean, and from which style does the stance used in these kata come from?
Tekki means Iron Horse; the Kiba Dachi stance is the main training stance of Northern Shaolin Tiger style
What is Uraken?
The back of the hand, used during Uraken Uchi (example)
Name the 2 Shomen to whom we bow in the Dojo out of respect
Chojun Miyagi
Gichin Funakoshi
What is the meaning of Green Belt?
Refinement of technique and self-discipline
What is the original name for the Tekki Kata series?
Bassai (as in the Kata Bassai Dai/Sho) or its original Okinawan name, Passai, means what?
"Capture the Fortress"
What is Seiken?
The first two knuckles on your punching hand; the part of the fist you should be punching with!
What does Ippon Kumite mean?
1-point fighting
What does the technique "Seiryuto Uchi" mean?
Ox Jaw Strike
What does the phrase "Jutai Sono Mama" mean and when would one use it?
It means "do not break posture," and you would say it when a someone is rising out of stance or posture during a kata
Funakoshi Sensei considered Pinan Shodan to be too difficult, so he switched its order in the Heian series with this Kata?
Pinan Nidan became the new Heian Shodan!
What is the difference between Sen-no-Sen and Sen?
Sen-no-Sen -- To Attack the Attack
Sen -- To attack first before an attack
What does Tenshin mean in Kumite?
How many different Enpi techniques do you learn as a Green Belt?
Enpi uchi,
age enpi uchi,
ushiro enpi uchi,
mawashi enpi uchi,
otoshi enpi uchi
What are the 5 types of breathing?
Long in, Long out
Short in, Short out
Long in, Short out
Short in, Long out
Which much older Chinese training forms act as the basis for our version of the Heian Kata series?
The Channan Forms
What is Kozushi?
Balance breaking (for an opponent)