Read these words:
the, has, I
the, has, I (Should be read as words not sounds.)
Tell me the short vowel sounds in this order:
u, a, i, o, e
/ŭ/, /ă/, /ĭ/, /ŏ/, /ĕ/
Read these words:
log, cut, rip
log, cut, rip
Read the Sentence
Jan was at the bat.
Jan was at the bat.
Spell the short vowel word given by the teacher.
Read these words:
is, was
is, was
*s should be pronounced with the /z/ sound at the end.
Tell me the sounds these digraphs make in this order:
ch, sh, wh, th (both sounds)
/ch/, /sh/, /wh/, /th/, /th/
Read these words:
path, shut, chip
path, shut, chip
Read the Sentence
Who is with them?
Who is with them?
Spell the digraph word given by the teacher.
Read these words:
to, do, into
to, do, into
Tell me the sounds the nasal blends make in this order:
ong, ung, ang, ing
/ŏng/, /ŭng/, /āng/, /ēng/
Read these words:
thing, hung, bang
thing, hung, bang
Read the sentence:
The bug sting left a welt on his leg.
The bug sting left a welt on his leg.
Spell the nasal blend word given by the teacher.
Read these words:
said, you, of
said, you, of
Tell me the sounds these nasal blends make in this order:
ink, unk, ank, unk
/ēnk/, /ŭnk/, /ānk/, /ŭnk/
Read these words:
think, bonk, chunk
think, bonk, chunk
Read the Sentence:
Get your hat so you don’t blink in the hot sun.
Get your hat so you don’t blink in the hot sun.
Spell the nasal blend word given by the teacher.
Read these words:
who, what
who, what
How many sounds are in the words:
splash, munch, chap
5 /s//p//l//ă//sh/
4 /m//ŭ//n//ch/
3 /ch//ă//p/
Read these words:
hunch, thrift, split
hunch, thrift, split
Read the sentence:
The frog plunks into the pond with a big splash.
The frog plunks into the pond with a big splash.
Spell the word word given by the teacher.