Magic and Traditions
It's on the Map
Things 2 know!
Campers :)

They can be found quite literally in every corner of camp!

What are gnomes?


This unit is the farthest from main camp and has platform tents and its own beach. And a really catCHY song.

What is mountaineer?


On opening and closing nights, we go to this event to sing songs, perform skits, and celebrate camp.

What is campfire?


Campers (and staff) do well with a daily this, as it provides structure and allows them to see what they can expect in the day-to-day.

What is a routine?


The youngest age group of campers we serve at camp (hint: they stay in a unit that's called the same thing)

What are pixies?


You can earn this award if you are nominated by your peers for displaying Girl Scout qualities throughout the week.

What is the Daisy Low award?


You can take your campers here for dress-up, free time, or anything your IMAGINATION can dream up!

What is the realm of imagination?


The name of the place where Squid will provide crafts for your campers!

What is Huckleberry Hut? (Huck Hut)

The year that Camp St. Albans was established!

What is 1935?


This type of skill is the less-tangible skill you gain from doing something, such as communication, teamwork, and persistence.

What are level two skills?

He's blue, and silly looking, he's on a boat, and he's the beloved camp mascot!

Who is Dimwitty?


Created by FOSA in 1994, this informative area is home to many native plants that make for a excellent scavenger hunt location.

What is the arboretum?

Named for a girlboss swimmer, this is a weekly event where campers can swim across the width of the lake and back.

What is the FloChad?

At camp, we promote this mindset, which gives campers the freedom to say "no", but also pushes them to a safe level outside of their comfort zone in a controlled environment.

What is challenge by choice/choose your challenge?


When thinking about things like missing home, behavioral management, this is the first and primary step!

What is prevention?


He's part tiger, part badger, and part jaguar, and he loves to bring (positive) chaos to camp!

Who is Tajar?


You can boat here for an overnight with your campers, sleep under the stars, and see a rare tandem biffy!

What is Misty Point?


A weekly themed event where the entire camp can come together to play games or do a challenge!

What is all-camp?


This is how campers communicate their needs, and they do not define an individual!!!

What are behaviors? (beh)


This is a way to bring closure, open discussion, and togetherness after conflict within a group. That way, the blame is not on one person and its intent is not negative, but rather focused on re-building a community.

What is a restorative circle/conversation?


Click, click. Are you a part of this not-so-secret society?

What is the order of the tongs?


One of the furthest hikes you can take from main camp, this amphibious oasis is great for nature lessons, overnights, and peaceful me times.

What is frog pond?


This is what you do on night one with your campers to decide what you want to do that week, including in-unit programming, cookout, and overnight. Give your campers a voice!

What is camper planning?


"Skogly" is a Norwegian word, and it means this

What is Forest Shelter?


The three different groups of campers that Puddles, Goose, and Bambi are in charge of.

What are Outdoor Leaders, CITs, and Interns?
