How do you show RESPECT in the hallway?
Use silent greetings
Respect personal space
Keep voice low
Keep hands off walls, bulletin boards, peers
How do you show RESPECT in the bathroom?
Maintain personal space and privacy
Use the bathroom for it's intended purpose
Respect school property
Stand quietly in line while waiting
How do you show RESPECT in the lunchroom?
Ask for permission to get up by raising your hand
Use good manners
Voice off when the cafeteria monitor or teacher on duty is speaking
Keep your food on your tray, in your mouth, or in the trash
How do you show RESPECT in the classroom?
Listen and actively participate, engage in positive peer interactions, think before you act
How do you show RESPECT at Recess?
Take turns using recess equipment
Play fair
Stop playing when the whistle blows
Line up quickly and quietly
Come into the building silently
How do you show RESPONSIBILITY in the hallway?
Stay in 4-check line
Go directly to your destination
Carry a pass with you at all times when not with class
Go straight to destination
How do you show RESPONSIBILITY in the bathroom?
Flush the toilet
Use 1 pump of soap
Turn the water off
Throw paper towels in the trash
Leave the bathroom better than you found it
How do you show RESPONSIBILITY in the lunchroom?
Use 2 hands to carry tray
Get your condiments before leaving the lunch line
Use your time wisely and eat first
Clean up after yourself, check under tables and chairs
How do you show RESPONSIBILITY in the classroom?
come to class prepared and with a positive attitude, be a self-advocate, follow classroom rules, be accountable
How do you show RESPONSIBILITY at Recess?
Use equipment properly
Follow playground and game procedures
Return equipment
Bring in everything you took out
How do you show you SAFETY in the hallway?
Keep hands and feet to yourself
Walk directly to your destination
Keep right and an arms length away from others
Pay attention while you're walking
How do you show you SAFETY in the bathroom?
Report anything unusual/problems to an adult
Keep it dry
Leave the lights on
Pick up paper towels
Keep hands and feet to yourself
How do you show you SAFETY in the lunchroom?
Walk to your table to get in line
Stay in your seat, with your feet under the table
Sit on your pockets
Clean up spills
How do you show you are READY TO LEARN in the classroom?
Be an active participant, do your best, use materials appropriately
How do you show SAFETY at Recess?
Stay in assigned zone
Keep rocks, mulch, and sticks on the ground
Use equipment properly
Play without hurting anyone
Involve an adult if you see unsafe behaviors
When your friend or their class passes you in the hallway how do you acknowledge or greet them?
Answers will vary.
If you see graffiti in the bathroom, what should you do?
Report it ASAP
If someone leaves a mess in the lunchroom, what should you do?
Clean it up for them and then report to an adult
Explain the classroom rules for your Reading/ELA classroom
How can you be A PEACEFUL PROBLEM SOLVER at Recess?
Try to "Talk-It-Out"
Walk away from the situation and take a deep breath
Tell an adult if a problem can't be solved
How do you show being A PEACEFUL PROBLEM SOLVER in the Hallway?
Move away from someone who is bothering you
Apologize if you bump into someone in passing
Politely ask someone to stop stepping on your heels
Involve the teacher if there is an incident
How do you show being A PEACEFUL PROBLEM SOLVER in the Bathroom?
Leave the bathroom in someone is bothering you
Keep your feet on the ground
Involve the teacher if there is an incident
How do you show being A PEACEFUL PROBLEM SOLVER in the Cafeteria?
Keep your hands and feet to yourself
Move through the line quickly
Involve the cafeteria monitor if there is an incident
Explain why it is important to think before you act
To ensure you're not acting on impulse and you know the consequences of actions and words
When playing football or basketball at recess, what would that game look like following our 4 B's?
Answers will vary