Abuse of a substance to the point where your body and brain needs the drug to function properly
Addiction or dependence
Someone who helps guide a newcomer through the processes of NA/AA or recovery
Altered structure of the nerve cells in the brain; prevents nervous system from working properly without the drug
Physical addiction
A substance that distorts one's perception of reality
Feelings, people, or situations that can cause the brain to want to use substances. If you're not aware of them, they can cause a relapse.
The mesolimbic dopamine system is a pathway in the brain, and it is activated by rewarding stimuli
The brains reward pathway
A powerful desire to use substances
Drugs become a central part of person's life, causing mental health or emotional issues if not used
Psychological dependence
Speeds up the body's reactions, provides a temporary feeling of endless energy
This state of mind is characterized by being too comfortable or not feeling motivated to continue doing the work
Community-driven public health strategies — including prevention, risk reduction, and health promotion
Harm reduction
Symptoms you experience several weeks or months after you finish detoxing that are related to the body healing from substance use
Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS)
Using a substance to the point that it takes more of the substance to gain the same effect as before
Form of synthetic hormones, usually testosterone
Refusing to admit the truth about addiction and its consequences to ourselves and others
This takes place when friends or people try to get you to do something
Peer pressure
Using another activity or substance to replace or substitute the feelings or results from when the individual used substances
When someone who is addicted to substances stops taking that drug, they go through this: which involves pain, shakes, vomiting, and severe headaches
Slows down the nervous system, making people feel less anxious and more relaxed
Identifying and writing down triggers, coping skills, people, and activities that can help prevent a relapse
Relapse prevention plan
Withdrawing from all drugs is painful and sickening, for someone who is addicted to this substance withdrawal could cause death
A common phrase repeated as an important part of recovery. It is encouragement and represents the gratitude an individual feels about their sobriety, and the importance of it presently
"One day at a time"
No visible signs of life
Highly addictive painkillers
Convicting yourself that it's okay or that you must use substances or engage in addictive behaviors
Relapse justification