What is the response turnaround time for a DISTRIBRES task?
5 business days
Is INPRS a qualified or non-qualified plan?
What is the state tax withholding for the state of Arkansas?
What are the names of Voya's mascots?
What is the name of Mickey Mouse's pet dog?
Distribution/withdrawal, loan default, rollover, refund of excess contribution monies, refund of automatic enrollment monies
Which plan includes the Lifetime Income Strategy (LIS)?
How many customers does Voya Financial serve?
14.7 million customers
What additional way can a participant retrieve their phone pin other than it being mailed, emailed, or texted to them?
Through PWEB.
My Profile > Login Information > Telephone Service Pin
How are required minimum distributions calculated?
Prior year end balance divided by life expectancy factor.
How many employees does Voya Financial have?
7,200 employees
What is the one letter in the English alphabet that is not included in the names of any of the 50 states in the U.S.?
The letter Q
When are tracking numbers typically available for expedited delivery?
Tracking numbers are typically available after 6AM EST on the third business day after processed
How can a State of Michigan participant appeal a hardship rejection?
If the participant's final request is denied the participant may resubmit all forms and documentation for redetermination to:
Office of Retirement Services
Benefit Plan Design
P.O. Box 30171
Lansing, MI 48909-7671
Who is the CEO of Voya Financial?
Heather Lavallee
Name two scenarios where the survey does NOT have to be offered at the end of the call?
Honeywell and Ohio PERS Plans, Death Claim situations, Calls where we are unable to assist the caller due to security requirements, Calls where we are utilizing the Language Line, Agents or their Assistants
Installments may not be changed or cancelled once started; lump sum can be requested at any time.
How are after tax contributions calculated and deducted?
Calculated on gross pay and deducted from net pay
What are Voya's company values?
We have customer passion, we do the right thing, we are the we, we have a winning spirit, and we care