Name a warning sign of anger
Rising body temp, clenched fists, shaking, racing thoughts
Define "Wise Mind"
It is a state of mind where reason and emotion are balanced.
True or False: Cannabis improves the quality of sleep
Name one Sober fun activity that starts with E
Exercise, eating, embroidery, escape room, etc
True or False: Alcohol is a stimulant
False! It is a depressant
Name a common trigger for anger
Threats to independence, safety, self-esteem, control, and respect
Define "Mindfulness"
Focusing on being present in the moment. Mindfulness is a research-based strategy that gets you out of your head. It encourages you to become more aware of your surroundings and to live in the moment.
Name one criteria of a Substance Use Disorder
There are 11 total
Name two sober fun activities that start with C
Coloring, Creating, Camping, Cooking, Climbing, etc
Name a harmful effect of long term alcohol use
Liver disease, pancreatitis, memory loss, high blood pressure, early onset of osteoporosis, increased risk of liver, breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, and colon cancer.
Define "Assertive Communication"
Assertiveness means expressing your point of view in a way that is clear and direct, while still respecting others
Define the "Opposite Action" Skill
A skill that involves choosing to do exactly the opposite of what your emotions tell you to do.
True or False: Smoking cigarettes is worse for your lungs than smoking weed
FALSE: Smoking cannabis deposits four times more tar and particulates in the lungs and causes higher rates of emphysema
Name three sober fun activities that start with N
Nature walk, nail painting, netflix, needlepoint, Nintendo playing, etc
What is the legal BAC limit for people under age 21 in MD
What do we mean when we say "Anger is a secondary emotion"
A secondary emotion is an emotion fueled by other emotions. For example, if you become hurt in some way, you might express this negative emotion instead of emotional and physical pain – it might be easier to express anger than express hurt.
What does T.I.P.P. stand for?
Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Paired Muscle Relaxation
Name 2 withdrawal symptoms of Cannabis withdrawal
Sleeping problems
Vivid dreams, Drug dreams
Eating Problems
Mood Swings/ Irritability
Name 4 sober fun activities that start with M
Makeup, movies, music, meditating, make cookies, etc
True or False: the number of people with an Alcohol Use Disorder in the USA is about 10 Million
FALSE: It is about 15 million
List three ways to manage anger
Walk away, use a distraction, take deep breaths, write about it, vent to someone, release endorphins
What 4 types of skills make up DBT
mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance
Define Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD)
a condition in which patients who have had previous exposure to a hallucinogenic substance continue to experience perceptual distortions months to years after complete cessation of the initial substance use.
Name 5 sober fun activities that start with T
Tap dancing, Tik Tok, travel, TV watching, taking a nap, tea drinking, take a bath
How many arrests are made in the US each year for people driving under the influence?
About 1 Million a year