The Greeks viewed Rome as a ........
Threat - they believed that conflict was inevitable
Who could only be an Assembly member?
All male citizens.
Who sought out revenge for caesars death?
Octavian or AKA Augustus
What language did the Romans Speak?
LATIN - Root language for Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian; many English words adopted from Latin
What happened as the Roman Empire weakened from within?
Invaders from outside began to attack.
What were Patricians and Plebeians not allowed to do with one another?
Get married.
What is the definition of a Republic?
A government in which people elect their leaders to make laws and decisions for them.
Why did they "liberators" think Juluis casar should die?
They thought they were saving the republic.
Why was the Roman Law "LAW of TWELVE TABLES" posted for the public?
It was posted in public on bronze tablets for Plebeians to access and understand rights.
What two things mainly caused Romes decline?
Poor government and overexpansion caused many of Rome’s problems.
What year did the Romans begin expanding out of Italy?
275 BC
What was the purpose of a "Forum"?
Was a large public space in the center of a city
This is where people would gather to give speeches and have debates on politic
With Octavian being declared Emperor, the Roman Republic was dead. Was type of government was Rome now?
They were an Empire.
What is the Christain faith?
The Christian faith centers on beliefs regarding the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
After what period did emperors start to ignore the needs of the people and taxed many Romans into poverty?
Pax Romana.
What City-State in Greece was destroyed after the series of 4 wars with Rome?
Who was Julius Caesar?
He was a successful general whose conquests made him popular with the Roman people.
What does "Pax Romana' mean.
Roman Peace. During the Pax Romana starting with Augustus's reign it was the longest period of peace in the history of the region.
What did the Roman leaders fear about the quick spread of Christianity? What happened if you were caught practicing Christianity?
Roman leaders feared Christianity would spread to all regions of the Empire, and Christians would rebel and take over Rome.
Christians were persecuted, or punished by Roman Emperors: arrested, tortured, killed.
What made people not feel loyal to Rome?
With the popularity of Christianity, led many people to no longer feel loyal to Rome.
What is the difference between a Patrician and a Plebeian? Give in-depth answers to receive points.
Patrician - Wealthy Landowning people who are a direct descendent of the founders of Rome. They are the minority of the population.
Pledbeian - Ordinary people of Rome can be farmers, craftspeople, etc. They are the majority of the population
What did the Senate do in the Roman Republic and what group of citizens were only allowed to be in the senate?
What are two examples of building and engeneering during the Roman Empire?
“All roads lead to Rome” - 50,000 miles of road to expand trade and spread Roman culture
Aqueducts (aq-ue-duct) were built and repaired (Aqua Julia, Aqua Virgo, Aqua Claudia, Pont du Gard) they were channels used to carry fresh water to the empire
Forum of Augustus, built to house the Temple of Mars Ultor and provide space for legal proceedings
Arch of Augustus, the first Roman arch with three passageways
Colosseum - gift to the Roman people, massive amphitheater made of stone and concrete, three stories of arched entrances supported by circular columns, housed 50,000 spectators
What Emperor converted to Christianity which started the widespread of the Chirstian religion?
After Constantine converted to Christianity, more Roman leaders began to accept the religion. Many churches were built throughout the empire, and the Christian church was allowed to own property.
Rome overexpanded. What does that mean?
Became too large to control.
- communication between territories became difficult
- resources and military aid could not be provided quickly enough to put down rebellions/invasions