What is the accepted definition of Learning?
Learning is an enduring change in behavior, or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience
What is the triadic reciprocality model of causality?
Used in Social Cognitive Theory
Three components that make up an individuals personality:
What are the Factors that affect observational learning?
What are concepts and how do they influence learning
Mental construct or representation of a category that allows one to identify examples and non-examples of the category.
The influence through formulating a rule that satisfies the conditions and retains the rule as long as it functions effectively.
What systems does the Brain Stem control?
Pons (movement and Posture), midbrain (Vision, hearing, eye movement, and body movement), and medulla oblongata (Vitals- Breathing and Heart rate)
How is learning assessed? (5)
-Direct Observations
-Written Responses
- Oral Responses
-Rating by Others
What is Vicarious Learning?
Learning by observing others. People can learn by watching.
What is the information processing theory and what it purports?
Believes that people select and attend to features of the environment, construct and rehearse knowledge to make it meaningful.
The way we perceive and organize information
What are the 4 major parts of the brain?
-Brain Stem
The process whereby individuals activate and sustain behaviors, cognitions, and affects, which are sytematically oriented toward the attainment of goals.
What Processes Affect Learning?
Behavioral & Cognitive Theories
What is Enactive Learning?
Learning by doing and experiencing the consequences of your actions, which provide information
What is meta-cognition?
A central aspect of self-regulated learning. It is the deliberate conscious control of cognitive activity
-thinking about thinking and how we are learning
What system does the cerebrum control?
Frontal Lobe
Parietal Lobe
Temporal lobe
Occipital Lobe
Insular Lobe
What are the components of self regulation?
Self-monitoring- refers to deliberate attention to some aspect of one’s behavior and often is accompanied by recording its frequency or intensity
-Self-instruction refers to establishing discriminative stimuli that set the occasion for self-regulatory responses leading to reinforcement
Self-reinforcement refers to the process whereby individuals reinforce themselves contingent on their performing a desired response, which increases the likelihood of future responding
What is Rationalism?
What is Empiricism?
Rationalism reflects the idea that knowledge derives from reason without recourse to the senses
Empiricism reflects the idea that experience is the only source of knowledge
What is the Premack Principle?
More preferred activity can be used to reinforce a less preferred activity
What is Vygotsky's Theory & Why it fits with constructivism
We learn form other people and we form our individual representation. Constructivism that individuals forma or construct much of what they learn and understand. Knowledge is formed inside a person and we learn from others.
What system does the Cerebellum control?
Controls movement posture and balance. It may also play a role in learning (Cognitive Dev.)
What are the 3 Pillars according to the Cross-Battery Notes?
-CHC theory
-CHC Broad (Stratum II) xlassification ability tests
-CHC Narrow (stratum I)
What are the instructional principles common to the learning theories discussed in class?
-Learners progress through stages/phases
-material should be organized and presented in small steps
-Learners require practice, feedback, and review
-social models facilitate learning & motivation
-Motivational and contextual factors influence learning
The XBA classification system has had a positive impact on communication among practitioners, has improved research on the relationship between cognitive and academic abilities, and has resulted in substantial improvements in the measurement of cognitive constructs, as seen in the design and structure of current cognitive batteries. True or False
Why is a Cross Battery Assessment used for?
To determine learning disabilities
What system does the Dicephalon control?
Contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, optic tracts, part of pituitary gland and the pineal gland.
What is:
Gf- fluid reasoning
Gc- Crystallized reasoning
Gsm- short term memory
Gv- visual processing
Ga- auditory processing
Glr- long-term retrieval
Gs- processing speed