What is mobile therapy?
It is an individualized treatment which provides services in the least restrictive environment possible (office, home or community settings) to address a wide variety of concerns, from behavior problems; and relational conflicts to mood issues like depression or anxiety.
What is outpatient therapeutic services?
It is the lowest level of clinical therapuetic care and is typically office based or via Telehealth.
What is the role of TSF services.
Therapeutic Support for Families provides psycho-educational, therapeutic and supportive services for parents/ caregivers and youth who are eligible for services from the Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services.
TSF services may be provided individually or in family and/or group settings.
Structured outings and activities should be scheduled which include both the youth and caregivers, allowing them to demonstrate acquisition of skills and practice applying these skills in real life situations with support and coaching from the TSF, as appropriate.
When were we established?
What does MT stand for?
Mobile Therapy
What is the typical amount of hours that are given weekly for this service?
3-4. More hours are available to be requested if clinically appropriate and the amount of allotted hours can be found on the POC.
What client can't you charge a no show fee for?
Medicaid clients.
What are the typical number of hours allowed for this service?
4 hours.
But I've seen them authorized up to 16 hours. (Ask Ms. Charisse)
What are the billing codes and what do they stand for?
90837- 53-60mins OP
90834- 38-45 mins OP
90832- 16-30 mins OP
90791- 60 min intake
H0036- 15 min increments for TSF and MT
What does TSF stand for?
Therapeutic Support for Families
What is the goal of MT?
To assist the child in stabilizing the client emotionally nd mentally and "dropping down" the client traditional office based outpatient services.
How long is an EAP session?
45 mins.
Billing code 99404
What is the goal of the TSF?
To assist the youth in developing social and emotional skills to do well in social environments such as school, work, etc.
What is double billing?
Billing for two clients at the same time or two provider billing for the same client at the same time. This is illegal and prohibited.
There are some exclusions....discuss.
What does POC stand for and where can it be found?
Plan of Care.
It can be found in the document section for any mobile therapy client. It is usually the first uploaded document. It houses pertinent clinical info for the client including diagnosis', contacts, and HX.
What are the ages of typical MT clients?
Youth under 18. At 18 they age out and can be transferred to traditional outpatient.
What is the difference between commercial insurance and Medicaid?
Commercial insurance is paid for by the client and/or their employer.
Medicaid insurance is state insurance paid by taxpayers. Delaware provider are Highmark Health Options, Delaware First and Amerihealth.
Can you have TSF services without MT services?
Yes. Some clients have private office based therapists and are not interested in MT services.
When are notes due?
The employee handbook states that should be completed with 72 hours.
They are expected by Monday morning of the next week.
What does CC stand for?
Care Coordinater. This is the PBH worker who is the case manager for MT/TSF clients who authorizes hours and services for the youth
What is a consultation vs a family session?
Consulting with a team member such as a school professionals, care coordinator, DFS worker, would be documented as consultation. (How to document)
Speaking with family members regarding a client and their mental health is considered a family session. (How to document)
How many times can you see a client in a week.
2X for medicaid clients.
Any number of times for commercial, however, some plans have caps.
What types of structured activities can you do with youth?
Family game nights, painting with a twist (family edition), library, community events, school events, YMCA, structured sports events, etc.
When are service logs due?
Monday morning of the next week.
They can be found on the drive and in the office (paper copies).
What does DFS stand for?
Division of Family Services. This is the entity of the state that operates child protection. Some of our youth are in the care of DFS due to abuse, neglect, and dependency.