What does PSM stand for?
What is Process Safety Management (PSM)?
What does PHA stand for?
What is Process Hazard Analysis?
This PSM element ensures coordination with local emergency response organizations.
What is Emergency Planning and Response?
What is Pre-Start Up Safety Review (PSSR)?
What is Management of Change?
This is the minimum number of elements required in a Process Safety Management program according to OSHA.
What is 14?
Employees with experience and knowledge specific to a process
What are (who are) qualified PHA Team Members?
Team members from each operating unit that are trained in Emergency Response?
What is the Fire Brigade?
This PSM element ensures that critical process equipment remains in good working order.
What is Mechanical Integrity?
Primarily responsible for developing and stewarding the MOC from concept through close-out
What is the MOC Originator?
What is Process safety Information?
PHAs must be updated and revalidated at this frequency.
What is every 5 years?
Who is responsible for reporting emergencies immediately upon discovery.
What is all Memphis Site Personnel?
Ensure employees are involved in the development and implementation of PSM.
What is Employee Participation?
Before a change is made, this type of review must be conducted to assess its impact on safety.
What is hazard analysis or risk assessment?
Name (3) of the 14 elements in OSHA's PSM program?
What is Employee Participation, Process Safety Information, Process Hazard Analysis, PSM Procedure Program, PSM Training Program, Contractors, PreStartup Safety Review, Mechanical Integrity, Hot Work Permit, Management of Change, Incident Investigations, Emergency Planning and Response, Compliance Audits, Trade Secrets?
What is a Hazard and Operability Study?
This procedure requires you to badge in at closest assembly point.
What is a headcount procedure?
Includes information on the hazards of highly hazardous chemicals used or produced, information on the technology of the process, Information on the equipment in the process.
What is Process Safety Information (PSI)?
After changes are made to a piece of equipment or process, what must be completed prior to start-up?
What is a Pre-Start Up Safety Review (PSSR)?
What is the frequency of refresher training and compliance auditing?
What is every 3 years
Being on a PHA team or writing work instructions for a process
What are examples of employee participation?
Only when this occurs can you resume work on site.
What is The All Clear?
This PSM element requires that employees involved in operating a process be provided with initial and refresher training.
What is Training?
This role or person ensures the technical basis is sufficient, risk assessment is thorough and complete and action items have been identified and assigned for the MOC
What is the MOC Approver?