How something works
The function of this depends on its structure and how it interacts with other ones of its own kind.
Protein Molecule
This type of silk has protein molecules that have lots of connections to other protein molecules.
Low Flexibility silk
Blue eyes are an example of this.
Chromosomes, DNA and therefore genes are found where?
Nucleus of the cells
Any difference in traits between individual organisms.
A different protein molecule structure can sometimes result in differences in these, even among family members.
This type of silk has protein molecules that has some connections to other protein molecules.
Medium Flexibility
Hair texture is an example of this.
Gene versions come from.....
inheriting one copy of the gene from its mother and one copy from the father. That gene combination instructs for proteins that connect in specific ways.
A characteristic that all members of a species have
Each one of these provides instruction to make a specific protein molecule in the cell.
Gene version
This type of silk has protein molecules that have very few connections to other protein molecules.
Low flexibility silk
Eye color is an example of one of these.
Your gene copies are called this if they are the same exact gene version.
Instruction for making a protein molecule.
Organisms can have different proteins in their cells for these.
This type of silk has protein molecules that make no connections to other protein molecules.
No silk
Melanin is a protein molecule that determines this.
Skin color trait.
In terms of probability, whether a mutation occurs in one of your genes is this.
The structure of these determine how they function and the properties of the object they make up.
protein molecules
If the gene versions are the same it is called...
This is what can happen if you are missing even one clotting factor protein molecule
The builder of the protein molecule.