Participial Adjectives
Present Perfect
Ability / Inability in the Past
Three Pronunciations of -ed
Sentence Stress

John was ____ when he saw the dinosaur bones in the museum. (amaze)

John was amazed when he saw the dinosaur bones in the museum. (amaze)


A: ____ a sightseeing tour yesterday. (we / take)
B:How was it? ____ that yet. (I / not / do)

A: We took a sightseeing tour yesterday.
B: How was it? I haven't done that yet.


Pat and I ____ go for a bike ride on Sunday. Both our bikes were broken.

Pat and I couldn't / weren't able to go for a bike ride on Sunday. Both our bikes were broken.


The terrified girl ran to her shocked mother.

terrified - /d/
shocked - /t/


Driving in snow is difficult.

DRIving in SNOW is DIFficult.


My neighbors are very ____ because they make too much noise. (annoy)

My neighbors are very annoying because they make too much noise. (annoy)


A: ____ Beyoncé concert—have you? (I / not / be)
B:Yes, ____ her in New York in 2021. (I / see)

A: I haven't been to a Beyoncé concert - have you?
B: Yes, I saw her in New York in 2021.


We were sorry that Susan ____ come to the beach with us last weekend.

We were sorry that Susan couldn't / wasn't able to come to the beach with us last weekend.


I was surprised by his expression. He looked disgusted.

surprised - /d/
disgusted - /Id/


I would love to eat that cake.

would LOVE to EAT that CAKE.


We didn't expect to hear bad news. So when we heard ____ news about the fire, we were not ____. 

(please, stun)

We didn't expect to hear bad news. So when we heard stunning news about the fire, we were not pleased


A: ____ the zoo yet? (you / visit)
B:Yes, ____ there last weekend. (I / go)

A: Have you visited the zoo yet?
B: Yes, I went there last week.


Jose ____ reach the books on the top shelf until he grew. Fortunately, his older sister ____ reach them, so she helped him.

Jose couldn't / wasn't able to reach the books on the top shelf until he grew. Fortunately, his older sister could / was able to reach them, so she helped him.


I felt satisfied with my test score, but Jack was disappointed and depressed when he saw his score.

satisfied - /d/
disappointed - /Id/
depressed - /t/


Nancy found the perfect pair of shoes.



I hate roller coasters. I think they are ____. Last time I rode one, I threw up. It was really ____.

(frighten, embarrass)

I hate roller coasters. I think they are frightening. Last time I rode one, I threw up. It was really embarrassing.


A: Oh No! It's afternoon, and ____ a reservation for dinner at the restaurant yet. (I / not / make)
B:That's OK. I ____ and ____ one this morning. (call; make)

A: I haven't made a reservation at the restaurant yet.
B: That's okay. I called and made one this morning. 


Because we lived close to the high school, we ____ go to a lot of football games. Once, we ____ sit very close to the field for the championship game.

Because we lived close to the high school, we could / were able to go to a lot of football games. Once, we were able to sit very close to the field for the championship game.


I wasn't insulted by the comment. Actually, I was confused and annoyed.

insulted - /Id/
confused - /d/
annoyed - /d/


My sister always plays with her food.

My SISter ALways PLAYS with her FOOD.


I'm really ____ about my new job. I think my boss is ____ by me. That's extremely ____.

(irritate worry, concern)

I'm really worried about my new job. I think my boss is irritated by me. That's extremely concerning.


A:How is your job search going? I hear that ____  several interviews. (you / have)
B: That's true. ____ three a few days ago. (I / have)
A: Wow! ___ from any of the companies yet? (you / hear)  

A:How is your job search going? I hear that you've had several interviews. (you / have)
B: That's true. I had three a few days ago. (I / have)
A: Wow! Have you heard from any of the companies yet? (you / hear)  


When Wendy and I met, I ____ cook a little but not very well. She ____ cook at all. Then we took some cooking classes together. After that, we ____ make delicious meals for dinner parties. 

When Wendy and I met, I could / was able to cook a little but not very well. She couldn't / wasn't able to cook at all. Then we took some cooking classes together. After the classes, we could / were able to make delicious meals for dinner parties.


The movie caused us to feel amused, interested, touched, and even astonished. 

amused - /d/
interested - /Id/
touched - /t/
astonished- /t/


Do you pay the bill if you have the money?

Do you PAY the BILL if you HAVE the MOney?
