a florist uses 5 red roses for every 2 white roses in her bouquets
Write a ratio of white roses to red roses three different ways
2:5. 2/5 2 to 5
Find two ratios equivalent to 5:12
10:24. 15:36. 20: 48 etc
In gym class, 6th grade walk 2 laps for every 3 laps they run. If the students run 12 laps, how many laps will they walk
8 laps
Which is a better value
$5 for 4 mangoes
$6 for 5 mangoes
2 cups = _______ ounces
Write the ratio of red roses to the total number of flowers in 3 different ways
a florist uses 5 red roses to every 2 white roses in a bouquet
5:7. 5/7. 5 to 7
Find 2 equivalent ratios for 3 to 4
6 to 8 9 to 12. 12 to 16 etc
Write this statement as a unit rate.
78 miles on 3 galloons
26 miles
1 gallon
Who earned more per month?
$84 in 3 months
$100 in 4 month
10 quarts = ________ gallons
If a florist uses 10 red roses in a bouquet, how many white roses does she use.
a florist uses 5 red roses for every 2 white roses in a bouquet
For every 4 bagels sold at a bakery, 7 muffins are sold . If 12 bagels are sold, how many muffins are sold
Write this statement as a unit rate
18 laps in 6 minutes
3 laps per minute
Which is the better value ?
3 sandwiches for $15
4 sandwiches for $21
3 sandwiches
144 inches = ___________yds
If a florist uses 10 white roses in a bouquet, how many red roses does she use
a florist uses 5 red roses for every 2 white roses in a bouquet.
The school soccer team buys 3 soccer balls for every 2 players. The school volleyball team buys 7 volleyballs for every 5 players. Which team buys more balls per player.
soccer team
Write this statement as a unit rate
48 sandwiches for 16 people
3 sandwiches per person
Doug has 5 hours to make an on time delivery 273 miles away. Doug drives at a constant 55 mph. Will Doug make the delivery on time?
Yes. 273 divided by 55 is 4.96 hours
4 ounces = _______pounds
The ratio of men to women at a wedding is 6:4
If there are 16 women at the wedding, how many men are there.
Jenna walks 12 miles in 5 days and Alex walks 7 miles in 3 days . Who walks more miles per day?
Write this statement as a unit rate
49 houses in 7 blocks
7 houses per block
Marie has 8 hours to write a 45 page chapter for her book. Marie writes at a constant speed of 4 pages per hour. Will she complete the chapter in time?
No. 45 divided by 8 is 5.625 pages per hour
15,840 feet = _______ miles