What are the 4 muscles of the rotator Cuff?
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
What movements can the elbow joint do
flexion and extension
What are the two bones in the forearm
ulna and radius
How many heads does the Bicep have
nausea, vomitting, seeing stars are a sign of....
Name a shoulder flexor
anterior deltoid, coracobrachialis, pectoralis major, biceps brachii
Name an elbow extensor
Triceps brachii
What are the movements the wrist can make?
Flexion, extension, deviation
What are the three parts of the upper limb
Shoulder, arm, forearm,
Not having any feeling on one side while still having strength is an example of a
What are three bones that make up the shoulder
Humerus, scapula, clavicle
Name an elbow flexor
Biceps brachii
Name a wrist flexor
Flexor carpi ulnaris, Flexor carpi radialis
Name a muscle on the POSTERIOR side of the body
lattissimus dorsi, triceps brachii, rhomboids, traps etc
If someone is unconscious and unresponsive, you should....
Call 911 and stabilize the body. Give first responders all information you have
How many movements does the shoulder joint make?
What ligament is found on the MEDIAL side of the elbow
Extensor carpi radialis
Extensor carpi ulnaris
What muscle has a function at both the shoulder and the elbow
biceps brachii
Active testing tests for
Muscle injury
Name a shoulder flexor on the ANTERIOR side of the body
pectoralis major, anterior deltoid
Which side of the extensors found on
what is a common wrist injury found in video gamers?
Carpal Tunnel
Give an example of shoulder flexion
raising your hand
Passive testing tests for
ligament injury