Name that Tune #1: Play 10 seconds
Let's Get It On
Name the actor who played Harry, in When Harry Met Sally?
Billy Crystal
Who is the Greek Goddess of Love?
How many chambers does the heart have?
What is the most popular gift on Valentines Day?
Candy / Sweets
Name that Tune #2: Play from 10s - 20s
My Girld
Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan play a romantic couple in the 1993 Romantic comedy called what?
Sleepless in Seattle
Cupid, is the Roman counterpart to which Greek God?
Heart attacks occur most often on what day?
Within $10, what is the average that a person spends on Valentines Day in the US?
A. $125 B. $150 C. 175 D. 200
$192 so $200
Name that Tune #3 (0s - 19s)
Lady in Red
From what famous movie is the line, "As You Wish"?
The Princess Bride
Which country has a tradition in which the women give the men chocolate?
A. Sweden B. Denmark
C. India D. Japan
If you have a "Myocardial Infarction", is also known as what?
A. A quickened heart rate
B. An irregular rhythm
C. A Heart Attack
D. When the valves are blocked
A Heart Attack
What percentage of marriages start online? (Within 10%)
Name That Tune #4 (Start at 10s -20s)
I want to know what love is
In Romeo and Juliet, what is the name of the character that Romeo stabs?
St. Valentine was executed for the following reason: A. He had an affair with the emperor's wife
B. He secretly married Christian couples
C. He broke the Sabbath three times
D. He stole food to give to the needy
He secretly married Christian Couples
What animal can mirror a human's heart rate when you touch them?
A. A Pig
B. A Horse
C. A dolphin
D. A canary
A Horse
63% of men under the age of ____________ describe themselves as single?
A. 20s B. 30s
C. 40s D. 50s
Name That Tune #5 (Start at 30s-50s)
I don't want to miss a thing - Aerosmith
What is Jack's profession in the movie, "Titanic"
What major invention was patented on Valentines Day?
A. The telephone B. The Toilet
C. The Washing Machine D. The Franklin Stove
The telephone
Why is Heart Cancer Extremely Rare?
A. The cell walls are stronger due to their increased activity
B. The fresh oxygenated blood prevents mutations
C. The cells stop dividing in adulthood
D. The tough muscle asks as a barrier to cancer cells
The cells stop dividing
The term "lovebirds" is a reference to what type of birds?