summary of work experience, education, skills, etc
Cover Letter
A letter introducing yourself
Work ethic
recognizing you have the obligation to work hard and complete tasks efficiently and well
a mentor
someone within the company who acts as a teacher or a guide to help you do better
Job Sharing
“Two part time workers share one full time job”
how many sizes did the Grinch's heart grow
compensation package
pay and other benefits that an employee may offer
the willingness to do something that needs to be done without being asked
What brand first used Santa Claus for advertising?
Working remotely, or from home.
collection of work samples to demonstrate skills
job lead
Information about a specific job
willing to adapt to new or changing requirements
Personal Boundaries
“Limits you set for yourself based on your values and priorities”
What gifts did the Three Kings, or wise men, bring to baby Jesus?
Gold, frankincense and myrrh
what color Christmas is Elvis Presley having?
list of people employers can get ahold of to learn more about you
In the movie Elf, what was the first rule of "The Code of Elves?"
Treat everyday like Christmas
Support System
Your support system is the people and the organizations around you that you can turn to if you need help.
Role Conflict
When you have many different roles that overstep each other and make it hard to fulfill the tasks of the roles you are trying to complete.
Using personal contacts to find jobs
In which modern-day country was St. Nicholas born?
constructive criticism
feedback that suggests ways you could learn and improve from your higher-ups
“A system that allows workers to choose when they will begin and end their working day”
workplace culture
attitude your behavior the habits and expectations of the company's owner and their employees