Stress + Coping Skills
Life Skills
Facility Facts

dancing is a coping skill and KHC involves it in this group

What is zumba?


this beverage is necessary to prevent dehydration, which causes unclear thinking, mood changes, constipation, etc

What is water?


this is how often you should brush your teeth

What is twice a day?


this is the person you submit your money request to for an inning/outing

Who is service coordinator?


this coping skill can allow you to focus on something else; KHC offers it every Friday night (you can also check them out from rec library)

What is watching movies?


chicken, meat, fish, eggs, soybeans, nuts and seeds are a good source of __ that lend energy to your brain that allows your body to think and react quickly

What is protein?


this is what you do to prevent clothes from shrinking in the dryer

What is hang them to dry instead?


this is the person who organizes the Dream Catchers program and gets you a job at our facility

Who is Zabrina?


this coping skill involves deep breathing and stretching your body to encourage mental and physical relaxation

What is yoga?


these are the leanest meats (least fat, most healthy)

What is turkey, fish, and chicken (not the dark meat or skin, so only breast of chicken and turkey)?


these are elements of money management

What is creating a budget (looking at how much income you make and what you may need to spend it on); putting $ into savings; deciding what are priorities and what are not; paying bills on time; build your credit when you can afford to?


this is how you make the pizza party at the end of the month

What is by making Milestone Club OR 5/5 Club at least three times throughout the month?


this is what happens to your body and mind when you feel a lot of stress or when you feel stressed for a long period of time

What is your body switches to “fight, flight or freeze” mode; heart rate increases; muscles tense; sleep patterns get messed up; upset stomach; lack of motivation or focus; irritability or anger; anxiety; respiratory problems?


too much of this mineral in your food can raise your blood pressure

What is sodium?


these are parts of interpersonal/communication skills

What is verbal (volume/tone of voice) and non-verbal communication (eye contact, body language), active listening, ability to express feelings, empathy?


this is how often spa time occurs in a month

What is every other week?


these are some benefits of having good coping skills

What is better management of emotions, better mood, higher self-esteem, better ability to tolerate/minimize/deal with stressful situations in life, better quality of life?


generally, this is how long you can leave perishable foods out before they start to grow bacteria

What is 2 hours?


these skills help you evaluate potential consequences of actions and they help you make better choices because of that

What is critical thinking skills, decision-making skills, problem-solving skills?


name at least 2 things you must do to make 5/5 club

What is make bed/keep personal space clean 5 times a week, shower 5 times a week, laundry at least 1 time, brush teeth at least 1 time?
