This is the name for the kind of memory that we can recall throughout our lifetime which is a "long time!"
long-term memory
You need to recall the name of the Great Lakes. What strategy would you use?
Chunking or creating a mnemonic (letter-pattern that is easy to recall)?
Great idea!
What do you need to use to recall a phone-number that I say to you out loud? Long-term or short-term memory?
Example: 608-574-7619
What strategy can you use to break-up a long novel that you need to read for class?
Chunking? Make a schedule or routine? Great idea!
This is the ability to temporarily store and use a limited amount of information to complete a task. It's a short-term memory system that's active and constantly changing. It does a lot of "work"!
working memory
What could you do to easily find and recall key-words from a paragraph?
Underline/highlight or write them on a sticky note - great ideas!
working-memory deficits are common and can make the demands of school challenging. Can you improve your working-memory?
Yes, working memory can improve through practice and training.
How to improve working memory
Use checklists: Create checklists for tasks with multiple steps.
Make connections: Use mnemonics to help you form associations between different details.
You meet a new student named "Candy". What could you visualize to help you remember and recall their name?
Candy! Yes!
What was that phone number?