What is "Our Purpose is our People."
The University, as part of its benefits package, allows employees to to take up to three courses tuition-free each year at any UNC System campus. Some Chapel Hill employees use this program to finish a degree or to grow their knowledge in an area that is pertinent to their work, while others use it to pursue an advanced degree. In January 2017, OHR introduced an online application to assist employees in applying and tracking their applications for this benefit; that resource is called what.
Changes to job schedules or workplaces, equipment, and other services can help employees excel in their positions at Carolina. Employees needing assistance with these things can contact the EOC under what policy?
In addition to the EOC website, the University maintains a single portal for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and visitors at UNC-Chapel Hill for resources and information about discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence, and stalking. It includes information about the response and prevention work of EOC and that of our campus and community partners.
On April 18, D&I will recognize the significant contributions of Carolina community members who have worked to advance an inclusive climate for excellence in teaching, research, public service and academic endeavor at this annual event.
This campaign is UNC-Chapel Hill's effort in support of the NC State Employees' Combined Campaign. Historically, Carolina is the campaign's largest contributor statewide.
When someone discloses an incident of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on any protected status, sexual assault or sexual violence, sexual exploitation, interpersonal violence, or stalking to one of these kinds of employees, they must share that information with an EOC staff member. They must share as much information as they know, such as the date, time, and location of the incident, the names of the parties involved; a brief description of the incident; and whether the incident has already been reported to someone else.
Each fall, D&I hosts this engaging educational event for faculty and staff at the University. The event is intended to be a non-conventional approach to addressing diversity, inspiring action, and facilitating the solution-making process.